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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/63165

    Title: 產品創新獲利模式分析
    A Study of the Profiting Models on Product Innovation
    Authors: 黃敬為
    Contributors: 邱奕嘉
    Keywords: Teece模型
    Teece Model
    Product Innovation
    Profiting Model
    Resource-Based Theory
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2014-01-02 13:27:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 當創新產品研發完成後,如何制定明確的產品銷售策略,對於創新者而言又是一連串策略思考的過程,如何從創新產品中獲取利潤,一直是創新者所關注的議題。Teece在Profiting from technological innovation 一文中提出以主導性設計典範、私有制度與互補性資產,三項要素所構成的架構深入討論創新與獲利之間的關係。本研究以Teece模型為基礎,運用個案研究法檢視華碩公司Eee PC 與蘋果公司iPod與iPhone,探討創新產品如何獲得持續性的競爭優勢,使企業維持獲利。

    The most important question which innovator always concerned about is how to make profit from product innovation. Teece presented three fundamental building blocks to illustrate a framework about the relation between profit and innovation in his work “Profiting from technological innovation”. The three fundamental building blocks are dominant design, appropriability regime, and complementary assets. Based on Teece’s framework, this study analyzes the case of ASUS Eee PC, and Apple iPod / iPhone to find out how the innovator obtains the sustained competitive advantage and keeps the profit from innovation.

    When the dominant design occurs, the innovator who defined the dominant design will profit for a while due to the leading technology and first mover advantage. But the competition will move from the product design to manufacturing and price very quickly after the dominant design occurred. Then the innovator has to think about the regime of appropriability is tight or weak. If the regime of appropriability is weak, the key successful factors in the competition will move to who can control the specialized complementary assets. After the case analyzed, this study enrich the complementary assets of Teece’s framework by the Resource-Based Theory.
    中文摘要 ..............................I
    英文摘要 ..............................II
    謝誌 ..............................III
    目錄 ..............................IV
    第一章 緒論............................1
    第一節 研究背景與動機....................1
    第二節 研究問題與目的....................2
    第三節 章節架構.........................3
    第二章 文獻探討........................4
    第一節 產品創新.........................4
    第二節 產品創新與獲利模式之間的關聯性......8
    2.2.1 Tripas模型(1997)................8
    2.2.2 Teece模型(1986).................10
    第三節 資源優勢相關文線探討...............12
    2.3.1 資源基礎論.......................12
    2.3.2 不確定環境之內部資源優勢...........14
    2.3.3 資源之特性.......................15
    第三章 研究方法..........................18
    第一節 研究個案與方法.....................18
    3.1.1 研究個案..........................18
    3.1.2 研究方法..........................18
    第二節 研究架構與研究變數..................19
    3.2.1 研究架構..........................19
    3.2.2 研究變數..........................19
    第三節 研究流程...........................20
    第四章 個案分析..........................21
    第一節 華碩電腦公司之Eee Pc................21
    第二節 個案分析...........................29
    第三節 個案二 蘋果公司之iPod與 iPhone.......32
    第四節 個案二分析.........................46
    第五節 兩個案分析整理......................52
    第五章 研究結論與建議....................55
    第一節 研究結論...........................55
    第二節 研究貢獻與研究限制..................59
    5.2.1 研究貢獻..........................59
    5.2.2 研究限制..........................60
    第三節 未來研究建議.......................60
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    Description: 碩士
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