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    Title: 消費者生活型態、生活風格與智慧型手機品牌形象關聯性研究
    A Study on Relationship among Consumer Life Style and the Brand Image of Smartphone
    Authors: 王彥荏
    Wang, Yen-Jen
    Contributors: 郭貞

    Kuo, Cheng
    Tsai, Mei Ying

    Wang, Yen-Jen
    Keywords: 生活型態
    brand image
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-01-02 13:27:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:  近年來隨著通訊費率調降、無線網路發展進步及平價化等因素,智慧型手機已融入民眾生活,不僅是通訊工具,也同時反映著使用者的生活風格與型態,並具有形象傳達的功能;透過文獻回顧,本研究以「生活型態」、「生活風格」和「品牌形象」等相關論述作為理論依據,研究目的旨在探討並建構台灣地區智慧型手機使用者的生活風格樣貌,以期對智慧型手機採用現象有進一步了解,並且根據所得結論,提出智慧型手機銷售廠商未來行銷策略上的相關建議。
      Smartphone have gained considerable popularity in daily life because of the cheap cell phone plans and the Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) convenience. While many people use smartphone to make and receive calls, a great segment of society has view smartphone as a stylish device conveying the their own lifestyles and personal image. Previous studies show that the lifestyle and the lifestyles of users as well as the brand image of smartphone are the three reasons that guide the consumer choice of smartphone. To understand consumer buying decision process and the factors affecting consumer choice, this study conducted a questionnaire survey to investigate Taiwan mobile users’ habits and preferences.
      The survey asked respondents for their smartphone usage behaviors by online questionnaires. One thousand and eighty-five questionnaires were returned. Six factors of the lifestyle scale are extracted by the factor analysis, including pursuing fashion trends, demanding for health and sustainability, proactive for new products, having challenges and creations, and searching for information. Six factors of the lifestyles scale include the desire to own a smartphone, the attraction of the best design smartphone, the experience of pleasures, the preference of brand, and the attraction of commercial. Brand image scales include three factors: Functional, Symbolic, and Experiential.
     The respondents are divided into four clusters by the three reasons and the population characteristics, including stylish teenagers, function-orientated consumers, domestic products embracers, and fashion-orientated women. The results showed that four clusters of respondents have significant different preferences between the mobile phone brands.
      In addition, the brand images and consumers with different preferences of smartphone brands have significant difference in ethnocentrism tendencies. This study would conclude consumer buying decision process and the factors affecting consumer choice to address the marketing strategies of smartphone.
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