Abstract: | 我國電視頻道過多,競爭激烈,黃金檔連續劇向來為主要戰場。頻道營者為了討好收視率,通常依據各台曾經造成高收視率的戲劇題材,歸納出十分有限的公式,以此操控製作團隊的專業判斷,形塑觀眾品味。長期下來,我國電視內容產製的專業受到壓抑,因此創 意貧乏,故事公式化與表演類型化,也一再陷入不斷自我重複的窠臼。\\r 2012 年八大電視台出品的 13 集中篇連續劇《我可能不會愛你》囊括當年金鐘獎 7 個獎項,堪稱近10 年來我國電視戲劇節目整體成 績最獲肯定的一部作品,而收視也名列前茅。主要原因為製作團隊反省過去輕易妥協市場品味的策略,堅持專業角色的回復,對於《我可能不會愛你》從市場策略、編劇、導演、演員挑選與集數無一不從專 業眼光來判斷,因此口碑、收視率與海外行銷均獲佳績,也與電視台 經營者共同創造出一種雙贏的新模式。 Due to the highly-competitive market of broadcasters in Taiwan, the performance of TV dramas has long been the decisive element affecting the daily viewership ratings. Producers, as well as writers, in the industry have been compliant to the will of broadcasters, who believe that the market will be accustomed to successful models and will accept only formats limited to certain genres for decades. Consequently, the professionalism of the industry gave way to the strategies of market economy, leading to a decline in the diversity and creativity of the TV drama industry. “In Time with You,” the TV drama that won the 2012 Golden Bell Award, not only won an unprecedented number of awards in different categories in this annual competition, it earned commercial success in international sales and earned a record share of the local market. “In Time with You” showcased a high- level of professionalism, which the producer and writer of the show insisted on from the inception of the production, and provided a new perspective for the conservative players from the market’s economy side. The return of professionalism may become a potential win-win strategy for the broadcasters and producers of future TV dramas. |