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    Title: 朝向一個國族的完成─19世紀烏克蘭民族運動發展歷程(1798-1922)
    Toward the Completion of a Nation - The Development of Ukrainian National Movement (1798-1922)
    Authors: 徐裕軒
    Hsu, Yu Hsuan
    Contributors: 趙竹成
    Zhao, Zhu Cheng
    Hsu, Yu Hsuan
    Keywords: 國族建構
    national movement
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-12-02 17:55:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文屬於國族建構的個案研究,探討19世紀烏克蘭的民族運動發展歷程。由歷史意識的關切出發,採用捷克歷史社會學家赫洛荷的民族運動理論作為分析架構,鋪陳出歷史、文化與政治的三階段發展歷程。在內容論述上,挑選12位最具代表性的烏克蘭知識份子,以列傳形式帶出19世紀烏克蘭民族運動的發展歷程。同時輔以知識分子的文本,以分析19世紀以來烏克蘭國族意識的興起與開展、及其對今日烏克蘭社會的影響。
    This thesis provides a case study of nation-building. Initiated by the concern of historical consciousness, it aims at analyzing the developing process of Ukrainian national movement in the 19th century. Applying the theoretical framework by Czech historian/sociologist Miroslav Hroch, it divides the national movement course into 3 phases (i.e. historical, cultural and political). Furthermore, biographical ketches contribute to a holistic analysis of the 19th century Ukrainian national movement as a whole.
    This study is divided into four parts. First, it traces back to the historical root of Ukrainian nation from the time of Kyivan Rus’. Second, it investigates how Ukrainians created the imagined community by inventing a common tradition and re-interpreting the history. Third, as the national consciousness grows, cultural and organizational activities contribute to strengthen the Ukrainian national idea in the mid-19th century. Fourth, political means such as regime establishment was employed by the eve of the Revolutionary times. In conclusion, it proposes feedbacks and reflections to re-consider the national identity problem in today’s Ukraine.
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