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Title: | 地方民意代表選區經營之研究 Reserach of Local Representatives` Electoral Districts Management-A Case Study of the First New Taipei Councilors |
Authors: | 游國鑫 |
Contributors: | 盛杏湲 Sysen, Sin Yuan 游國鑫 |
Keywords: | 選區經營 選民服務 民意代表 新北市議員 Electoral district management electoral service local elected representatives councilmen of New Taipei City |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-12-02 17:53:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 地方民意代表,以繼續連任為目標,對於選區的經營及選民的個案服務無不全力以赴,做好選區經營選民服務,是再次爭取選民選票支持的重要關鍵;本文以第一屆新北市65位現任議員為研究對象,透過對全體議員的問卷調查和對10位議員的深入訪談,探知他們對於選區經營選民服務的看法和作為,藉以了解地方民意代表如何服務地方服務選民的參考依據。 依問卷填答資料統計顯示,新北市議員平均聘請助理數7.40人,平均設置之服務處數2.16處,每星期選民反應請託案件數平均19.88件,每星期紅白帖平均數29.06張;以每周工作70小時計,花在議會問政25.55小時,選民服務時間39.91小時,自己事業時間4.54小時。議員為民服務最重視的項目依序是:選民個案服務、爭取選區地方建設經費、議會質詢及監督行政機關。各類型選民反應或請託案最多的是糾紛調解,其次是爭取社團、里活動經費補助和地方小型建設建議案。各不同黨籍或新科/連任議員皆盡全力做好選區經營選民服務,所以比較各項數據沒有明顯差異。 深入訪談第一部分訪談選區經營具特色及代表性議員,請議員說明其選區經營選民服務的理念和實際做法,詢問其選區特性、選民結構及選舉競爭,並了解其依個人特質所建立的選舉資源網絡。第二部分訪談市府規劃欲興建殯葬專區之選區議員,做為選區經營案例之研究,了解議員以何管道探知選民反對意向,如何發動選民陳情抗爭,如何維護選區選民權益,及利用此一議題進行選區經營的思維與策略。 The local elected representatives go to great lengths to manage their electoral districts and to provide the best service for their votes as their main goal is to continue in office, and the key to it is to gain the voters’ support. This study will focus on the case of the 65 councilmen of the first session in New Taipei City. Through a questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews with 10 of the councilmen, their viewpoints and behaviors related to their electoral district management and service are provided as to have reference to understand their ways of provided service. According to the statistical results of the questionnaire survey, the average number of assistant per New Taipei City councilman is 7.40 persons; the average number of service center is 2.16; the average number of cases of the voters for any request per week is 19.88; the average number of red/white envelopes per week is 29.06; they work 70 hours per week, for which 25.55 hours are spent in the parliament, 39.91 hours are dedicated for the voters and 4.54 hours are for their own business. The priority of tasks in importance are in the following order: voters’ cases, seeking for local infrastructure funds, questioning in the parliament, and supervision of the administrative offices. In regard to the type of the voters’ cases, the major issue consists of dispute resolution followed by the seeking of association or neighborhood subsidies and recommendations for minor establishments. The councilmen show no distinctive differences as all of them, regardless their political parties or seniority, are trying their best for good management and service for their electoral districts. As for the in-depth interview, the first part consists of the interviews with representative councilmen with features in their electoral district management. The interviewees are asked to provide their visions and practical executions for their electoral districts, and then explained the features of their electoral districts, the structure of the voters and the electoral competitions as to understand the online electoral resources established in accordance with their personal characteristics. The second part consist of interviews with the councilmen whose electrical districts contain planning funeral area by the city government as management case studies. Through the interviews, we are able to understand the councilmen’s channels to discover voters’ opposition, to mobilize voters for petition, to defend voters’ rights and to promote ideas and strategies for the electoral district management. |
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