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    Title: 移工的社會文化適應研究:以在台灣桃園縣和韓國京畿道從事於製造業之泰籍勞工為例
    Migrant workers’ socio-cultural adaptation: a comparative study of Thai workers in the manufacturing sector in Taoyuan county, Taiwan and Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
    Authors: 曹民根
    Cho, Min Kyun
    Contributors: 馬藹萱
    Ma, Ai Hsuan
    Cho, Min Kyun
    Keywords: 外籍勞工
    migrant workers
    manufacturing sector
    socio-cultural adaptation
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2013-12-02 17:52:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 當世界邁向21世紀時,跨國人口流動率也隨之提高,具有不同文化背景的團體在日常生活中碰面。台灣和韓國也不例外,兩國皆正邁入多元文化社會當中:目前居留於兩國的外國人已超過總人口的2%,而在外國人口數中,以外籍勞工的數量佔最多比重。為求社會整合,有必要對其作長期的觀察。本研究以居留在韓國京畿道和台灣桃園縣的泰籍勞工為研究對象,透過參與觀察法及質性訪談的方式,試圖探討外勞所經歷的經驗和適應狀況是否會依據其移居國家(台灣與韓國)的不同而有所差異,以及此一差異是否與移入國的政府角色與政策有所關聯,而移入國政府的角色與政策又會產生多大的影響力。本研究的重要發現包括以下幾點:第一,韓國和台灣在外籍勞工引進程序上存在著差異。韓國自2004年開始實行僱用許可制以來,以國對國的引進方式,直接管理並執行僱用許可制,而台灣自引進初期以來,所有引進程序皆委任給市場(人力仲介公司)運作,雖台灣政府在2007年引進直接聘雇制度,但其使用率並不理想;第二,在兩國對外籍勞工之支援政策上也可發現差異。韓國以中央政府為中心,除申訴和諮詢服務以外,還提供語言及文化理解相關講座,而台灣對語文及文化教學等的服務,幾乎都依賴仲介公司或是NGO團體。第三,語言和當地文化了解度在外勞的工廠內與同僚的關係上具有重要的作用。已受過相關教育的在韓泰籍勞工,遷移初期在工廠內同僚關係上,比在台泰勞更活躍,而在台泰勞遷移初期因語言能力的限制而常常感到陌生不安。不過隨著停留期間的增加,兩個集團的差距就變減少;第四,無論語言和文化瞭解度如何,在勞工與管理階層的關係上,工廠的規模是影響互動程度的關鍵因素。整體而言,本研究發現台韓作為移工的移住國,其政府角色與政策對於移工社會文化適應經驗的形成,特別是在移住初期,可以產生明顯的作用力;韓國政府相對於台灣政府來說,在移工引進過程與支援其社會文化適應的組織與政策上的角色與態度較為積極主動,也使得在韓移工在移住初期有較在台移工更正面的適應經驗。此外,移工移住時間與工作組織規模對於移住國政府在移工社會文化適應經驗的影響上,也同時扮演著重要的調節性角色。
    As the world marches into the 21st century, the rate of international population movements increases, bringing more people to meet one another. Taiwan and South Korea are not exceptions. At present, these two countries are becoming multicultural societies: the latest data show that foreigners in both societies comprise more than 2% of the total populations, and migrant workers represent the majority within the foreign populations. In order to enhance social cohesion and integration, it is necessary to monitor the impacts brought by this changing demographic composition. Taking the Thai workers in Gyeonggi-do, South Korea and Taoyuan County, Taiwan as comparative cases in study, this research aims at understanding whether and how the receiving government`s role and policies affect migrant workers` experiences of social-cultural adaptation. By employing qualitative research methods and using participant observation as well as in-depth interviews in collecting data, this study generated the following major findings. First, the governments in South Korea and Taiwan both introduced the foreign workers into the local labor markets around the same time but in different ways. Since South Korea established the employment permit system in 2004, the government has directly managed the process and developed the government-to-government dialogue within the system. On the contrary, when the recruitment system was initially introduced in Taiwan, all the procedures were operated by the market, largely the labor agency companies. Although the Taiwanese government introduced the direct employment system in 2007, its utility rate didn’t lead up to the expectation. Second, South Korea and Taiwan have developed disparate supportive policies toward migrant workers. With the cooperation of several central government agencies, Korea provided not only the channel for appeal and consultation services but also trainings to enhance migrant workers` language ability and cultural understanding of the receiving country. In Taiwan, the government leaved such services to private agencies and NGO groups. Third, migrant workers` local language ability and cultural knowledge significantly affected their interaction with colleagues and superiors at the job sites, especially at the early stage of migration. With more comprehensive training and support from the Korean government, Thai workers in South Korea generally were better equipped with local language ability and cultural knowledge and therefore enjoyed more positive experiences interacting with co-workers at work. With limited language ability and little local cultural knowledge, Thai workers in Taiwan were usually aliened from the local society and felt worried during early days of migration. However, the longer migrant workers stay in these two countries, the more similar their social-cultural adaptation experiences become. Fourth, no matter how much migrant workers understand the local language and culture, the organizational scale of their work site (a factory) is a key factor in influencing the style and extent of interaction among migrant workers as well as between migrant workers and the locals.
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