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Title: | 家庭敘事之飲食記憶與生命傳承-以口述家傳菜餚為例 Food Memory and Life Inheritance in Family Narratives --A Dictated Analysis of Family Recipes |
Authors: | 黃芮琪 |
Contributors: | 臧國仁 黃芮琪 |
Keywords: | 家庭敘事 家庭傳播 飲食 記憶 傳承 family narrative family communication food memory |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2013-12-02 17:51:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 食物往往蘊藏著無形情感與過往生命記憶。以家庭飲食而言,舉凡食物的味道、口感與氣味皆可能牽引出家庭關係與父母形象等生命故事。據此,本研究旨在以「家庭敘事」之研究視角探討家庭中飲食、記憶與生命傳承之關聯,主要鎖定「家傳菜餚」之家庭共食情境與敘事內涵,從而探討家庭中獨有的飲食口味如何承載與紀錄家庭生命歷程。
此外,家傳菜餚的味道與意義可協助個人理解家庭與建構自我。由於日常飲食經驗於長遠家庭生命歷程中可逐漸形塑為家庭獨有之飲食習慣與傳統,後輩成員得以透過經驗之複製與轉移進而將家庭生命的「過去」、「現在」與「未來」彼此牽連並開展新機。 Food often contains invisible emotions and life memories, and its taste and smell are also likely to touch off family stories. With this in mind this study aims to explore possible connections among food, memory and life in families from the perspective of “family narratives,” focusing on clues that may be inherent in “family recipes,” with a purpose to understand how family tastes may record life courses.
It was found in this study that stories of family recipes are co-constructed by food and different members of the family. These stories not only describe these members’ past experiences in food cooking but also trace their life backgrounds, family values and personalities. Following this sense family memories often emerge from "flashbacks" while describing food story, and in doing so the time flow of present and future appears commonly.
In addition, when food stories are always linked up with family traditions, the taste and meaning of family recipes are also useful in identity construction. |
Reference: | 中文部分
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