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Title: | 公民政策參與過程之研究:以電子化計畫政府為個案 Citizen participation in public decision making:a case study of E-government Program in Taiwan |
Authors: | 林玉純 Lin, Yu Chun |
Contributors: | 蕭乃沂 Hsiao, Nai Yi 林玉純 Lin, Yu Chun |
Keywords: | 公民參與 政策過程 電子化政府計畫 public participation decision making E-governance Programs |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-11-01 11:47:55 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著科技的盛行,政府大力推動電子化政府計畫,讓民眾得以經由電子化的服務,獲得更多便利。而在公民意識高漲及顧客導向的改革浪潮中,於政策中事前詢問公民偏好的重要性也日趨重要,電子化政府計畫也不例外,如何讓政策貼近民眾需求更是重要考量,更是計畫成功的要素之一。文獻中對於公民參與有諸多的討論,可以整理出公民參與的三個層級:資訊公開、政策諮詢、決策參與,搭配電子化政府計畫流程的三個時機:規劃、執行、評估,形成一個公民參與九宮格的討論架構。 本研究經由訪談、問卷等進行資料收集後,有幾個發現:首先電子化政府計畫流程中所進行的公民參與,依據時機來看,規劃階段有研考會所規定的試辦,執行階段由計畫主辦機關自行決定公民參與的進行,到評估階段則是由研考會訂立於計畫流程的專家會議來對計畫成效進行審議,然規劃、執行兩者的公民參與並非是具體規範,端視主辦機關的態度,對整體流程而言明顯公民參與設計上有所欠缺。雖然研考會與計畫主辦機關對於公民參與都相當的重視,然就實際執行結果,多以政策諮詢為主,心態較為被動。此外,在計畫流程中,計畫主辦機關常遇到一些困難,包含經費、人力的不足、時間的限制以及結果難以快速達成等,加之以公民參與端有賴於主辦機關自行摸索,欠缺具體方向,使得公民參與的執行更加不易。 而本研究透過實務資料、文獻以及公民參與九宮格的結合,建立出公民參與的模型,並依據時間、層級、方式與計畫特質給予使用參與,期望能夠減少計畫主辦機關進行公民參與的困難。最後,提出 4 點政策建議:(1)公民參與知識經驗分享(2)彈性化調整措施(3)公民參與的制度化(4)服務心態的調整,希望能夠協助電子化政府計畫流程中公民參與的執行更為容易。 With the development of information and communication technology (ICT), the government devotes to carry out E-governance Programs (EG Programs). Through EG Programs, people expect to get a lot of convenience and efficiency. In the rising consciousness of citizens and the waves of customer-oriented revolution, it is more important to understand citizen’s preferences before carrying out related policies. The E-governance Programs is no exception. How to let policies conform to people’s needs is more important consideration, moreover, it is also one of the success factors of the programs. The previous studies report a lot about public participation, and it can summarize to three levels-information, consultation and decision making , collate with three stages of E-governance Programs-planning, implementation and evaluation to form a structure of public participation 3 by 3 grids. Based on data collection processes composed of interviews and a questionnaire survey, the thesis develops several results. To start with, there is obviously deficient design about total process of the public participation in E-governance Programs. In planning stage, Research Development and Evaluation Commission (RDEC) will hold a trial; In implementation stage, the authority in charge of a specific e-governance program will decide the degree of public participation by itself; In evaluation stage, the authority in charge will host a conference of specialist according to the regulations made by RDEC. However, in planning and implementation stages, public participation is not mandated by the standard, but by the attitude of the EG Programs authority. On the other hand, Although RDEC and the EG Programs authority take public participation seriously, the actual results of public participation do not reflect their active attitude. For example, the authority of the EG Programs use policy consulting mostly. Besides, the EG Programs authority encounters lots of difficulties such as the shortage of funds, lack of time and manpower. And, public participation lacks specific directions, which needs the EG Programs authority to experiment and develop the appropriate way of public participation in decision making procedure. These situations make public participation more difficult to be effectively implemented. In this research, the author constructs a model of public participation through empirical data and literature based on public participation 3 by 3 grids. And expect to provide some policy suggestions base on different time, levels and programs characteristics to reduce the implementation barriers. There are four suggestions, including: sharing public participate knowledge, providing flexible, adjustable measures, institutionalizing public participation, adjusting servicer’s attitude. The author expects to improve the public participation process in E-governance Programs. |
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