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    Title: 公共衛生領域專業人員離職傾向之研究:臺北市政府衛生局為例
    The Turnover Intention of Public Health Professionals:A Case Study of The Health Department in Taipei City
    Authors: 詹佳瑛
    Chan, Chia Ying
    Contributors: 施能傑
    Chan, Chia Ying
    Keywords: 離職傾向
    turnover intention
    public health
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-11-01 11:40:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 公共衛生與民眾生活中食衣住行各層面息息相關,無論是食品安全、疾病防治等都少不了公共衛生領域專業人員的貢獻與付出,因此,瞭解公共衛生領域專業人員離職傾向,有助於組織培育優秀專業人員的同時更能留任專業人員,以期達成組織目標。本研究為瞭解公共衛生領域專業人員離職傾向,以臺北市政府衛生局及十二區健康服務中心編制內公務人員為研究對象,透過文獻分析法、深入訪談法及問卷調查法,訪談9位離職人員並回收256份有效問卷。經研究分析後,發現專業人員呈現較高的離職傾向,整體而言,80%專業人員傾向離開組織,而70%專業人員則傾向離開專業;在組織離職傾向方面,專業人員受到「工作疲勞」、「升遷歷練」及「工作成就」等三大因素影響;而在專業離職傾向方面,專業人員則考量「專業承諾」、「工作疲勞」及「升遷歷練」等三大因素。爰此,本研究建議從制度面全盤考量公共衛生專業人員任用法令,同時運用職務輪調及合理人力配置、工作分配等方式,使公共衛生專業人員付出與回饋得以平衡,降低是類人員工作疲勞程度,提高專業承諾並賦予合理升遷歷練機會,以作為衛生相關單位實踐組織目標更能留任專業人員之政策研擬參考。
    Public health is closely related to public lifestyles, whether it is food safety or disease prevention. Understanding the turnover intention of public health professionals may help organizations to cultivate retain talented professionals who are crucial resources to achieve organizational goals. This study investigates the turnover intention of public health professionals, Department of Health, Taipei City Government, through in-depth interviews with former employees and department-wide employee survey. Results indicate that professionals show a higher turnover intention, on the whole, 80% of professionals tend to leave the organization, 70% of professionals tend to leave the profession. The intention to leave the Department is affected by following three major factors: burnout, promotion fairness, and job achievement. The intention to leave the profession forever is affected by factors including professional commitment, burnout, and promotion fairness. Thus, this study offers several suggestions to deal with the turnover intention issue faced by the Department which includes modifying the personnel staffing law of public health professionals, adopting more active job rotation, balancing workloads and rewards, and improving the opportunity of promotion.
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