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    Title: 中華民國的公眾外交──以維也納華語推廣為例
    Public Diplomacy of the Republic of China: A Case Study of Chinese Promotion in Vienna
    Authors: 陳柏叡
    Chen, Bo Rui
    Contributors: 盧業中
    Lu, Yeh Chung
    Chen, Bo Rui
    Keywords: 公眾外交
    Public diplomacy
    Chinese promotion
    Taiwan Academy
    Chinese mania
    Middle power state
    Soft power
    Historical institutionalism
    Punctuated equilibrium
    Critical juncture
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-11-01 11:36:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 華語,位居全球第一母語使用人口的首位,在21世紀初期更形成「華語熱」,席捲全球。我國為對外推廣正體中文,致力臺灣研究與漢學研究,以及介紹有臺灣特色的中華文化,遂於2011年10月在美國掛牌成立三處實體臺灣書院。




    The Chinese language ranks first as the most widely spoken mother tongue in the world. Meanwhile, “Chinese mania” has been formed and overwhelmed the whole world in the beginning of 21st century. In order to promote traditional Chinese to foreign countries, the Republic of China (ROC) dedicates itself to promote Taiwan Study, Sinology Study, and introduces Chinese culture with Taiwanese characteristic. As a result, the ROC established three physical Taiwan Academy in the United States in October, 2011.

    This study focuses on public diplomacy of the ROC government, reviews its strategies on the promotion of Chinese language, and identifies the factors which influence the implementation of government. This thesis embraces the receivers’ viewpoints of the policy of promoting the Chinese language in Vienna, and attempts to retrieve the evaluation and response of the receivers via systemic interview. By methods mentioned above, this study could figure out the effects, threats and challenges of the promotional policy of the Chinese language of the ROC.

    This study adopts historical institutionalism as the research approach. Through analyzing the critical juncture molded by the time and the vast events, this study could conclude the reason of resistance and reincarnation of the promotion policy of the Chinese language when facing power changes. Furthermore, utilizing the perspective of institutionalism as a mid-range theory, this study deliberates how institution confines and influences the Chinese language promotion downwards, and how institution impacts the market share of the Chinese language market of the ROC in the world upwards. Thus, by inducting these promotional policies of the Chinese language from different ministries, the insufficient integration of the policies led to under performance of the promotion of the Chinese language.

    This study employs soft power theory to debate public diplomacy, and proves that soft power prodigiously relies on hard power. The promotion policies of Chinese language of the ROC government exploit limited resources of the middle power state to implement the policies with the great power framework. Compared to the German-speaking countries, Austria and Germany, they respectively established Austria Institute (Österreich Institut) and Göthe Institute (Göthe Institut). The promoting strategy and self-positioning concept of Austria could be the pattern of the interaction of Taiwan Academy and Confucius Institute. Under this circumstance, this study distinguishes the response of Austria Institute under the worldwide deployment of Göthe Institute. Thus, the author could indicate the limitation of the promotion policy of the Chinese language of the ROC government, and suggest the appropriate positioning of Taiwan Academy from the viewpoint of power perspective.

    This study begins with introduction, and elaborates on the development and theory of public diplomacy and the history of public diplomacy of the ROC government in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, this study discusses the definition of middle power state and the public diplomacy of the middle power state, and review the strategies and the practice of the public diplomacy of Austria and ROC. In Chapter 4, this study reviews the background of promoting the Chinese language and the profile of the Chinese language market in Vienna. Besides, this study analyzes the results and challenges of the individual promotion policies of the Chinese language. In the final part, this study provides the suggestions to the promotion policies of the Chinese language of the ROC and to the public diplomacy as conclusion.
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