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    Title: 新聞跑馬燈對閱聽眾新聞知識處理的影響
    The impact of news crawls on viewers` news information processing
    Authors: 高竹君
    Kao, Jwu Giun
    Contributors: 施琮仁
    Shih, Tsung Jen
    Kao, Jwu Giun
    Keywords: 新聞跑馬燈
    news crawl
    information processing
    content relevancy
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-10-01 15:47:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 電視新聞跑馬燈對閱聽眾的影響,實務和學界仍持不同見解。過往學術文獻認為,人類消化訊息的能力有限,若是超越個人所能負荷的訊息消化能力範圍,可能產生訊息過剩而導致注意力降低或訊息處理不完全,包括對訊息的記憶不全(Lang, 2000)。新聞跑馬燈的數量和新聞跑馬燈與主新聞的相關性,對閱聽眾處理訊息的影響,過去文獻研究並不豐富和完整,故本論文從新聞跑馬燈的數量和與主新聞的相關性,了解此二變項對閱聽眾訊息處理能力(特別是注意力和記憶)的影響。實驗受試者係招募本校大學和研究生共 145 人,在電腦上看完新聞影片後再填答實驗問卷,以完成實驗。實驗結果顯示,跑馬燈與主新聞內容的相關性,對閱聽眾的注意力和記憶力有顯著影響,跑馬燈數量則無造成顯著影響。當跑馬燈和主新聞的內容不相關時,觀眾對主新聞內容的注意力與記憶反而會增加。跑馬燈數量的增加並不會降低閱聽眾對新聞內容的記憶。新聞跑馬燈的數量及其與主新聞的相關性,在閱聽眾記憶新聞內容方面並無顯著的交互作用影響。
    Whether use of news crawls in television news is really beneficial for viewers remains a controversial issue. Many news producers in the practical field believe that news
    crawls is the answer to attract viewers’ attention. In addition, that viewers will ultimately be accustomed to the “web-page” like television screen is a firm belief.According to Lang’s (2000) Limited Capacity Model, however, human beings possess a very limited ability to digest information. Dysfunctional memory is likely to occur if message overloads. Related research in this field is scarce and does not deal directly with number of news crawls and content relevancy on information processing. Therefore, this thesis addresses these gaps by investigating the impact of two factors, that is, number of news crawls and content relevancy between news crawls and main news, on viewers’ news information processing (attention and recall in particular). Data was collected based on a computer-based experiment in a university campus with a total of 145 participants. Results showed that relevance between news crawl content and main news content has significant impact on viewers’ attention and recall of news information. Unrelated contents lead to better attention and recall than related contents. More news crawls does not necessarily lead to poorer recall of news information.
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