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Title: | 俄羅斯極端民族主義團體與國族認同之研究 A Study of Ultra-Nationalist Groups and National Identity in Russia |
Authors: | 蘇郁雯 Su, Yu Wen |
Contributors: | 林永芳 蘇郁雯 Su, Yu Wen |
Keywords: | 俄羅斯 極端民族主義 國族認同 光頭黨 民族布爾什維克黨 Russia ultranationalism national identity skinhead National Bolshevik Party |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-10-01 14:34:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 蘇聯解體之後的俄羅斯,雖然得到主權上的獨立,但卻因為土地及人口的減少和經濟問題的浮現,導致以前能與美國抗衡的強權地位喪失,面對蘇聯的瓦解和國內動盪的社會局勢,俄羅斯民族主義開始強烈反彈。 本論文研究方法採用個案分析法及文獻分析法,首先以歷史的發展進程以及政治文化背景的角度檢視為何當代俄羅斯極端民族主義會興起,接著藉由回顧俄羅斯極端民族主義與國族認同的文獻,充分了解俄羅斯極端民族主義的意涵,最後針對「光頭黨」、「民族布爾什維克黨」兩個影響最大的極端民族主義團體的歷史緣起、理念與行為來探討與俄羅斯國族認同的關係。 綜合本論文的文獻可得知「俄羅斯極端民族主義是保守式的極端民族主義」,懷疑多元種族、多元文化的社會信仰能夠穩定;「俄羅斯極端民族主義團體不利於國族認同的發展」,無論是光頭黨或民族布爾什維克黨都不利於俄羅斯社會的凝聚力還有多元社會的發展;俄羅斯政府把打擊極端民族主義團體視為重要目標,因此「政府對極端民族主義的打擊影響極端民族主義團體日後的發展」。
關鍵字:俄羅斯、極端民族主義、國族認同、光頭黨、民族布爾什維克黨 Abstract Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia assumed independent sovereignty. However, Russia lost its previous power status, which had enabled competition with the United States, because of its diminishing land area and population, as well as increasing economic problems. In response to the collapse of the Soviet Union and rising social unrest, Russian nationalism began to emerge. For this research, case study and literature analysis methods were adopted. This study first examined the reasons for the emergence of contemporary Russian ultranationalism from the perspectives of historical development and political and cultural backgrounds. Subsequently, this study conducted a literature review regarding Russian ultranationalism and national identity to fully understand the content of Russian ultranationalism. Finally, this study examined the relationship between Russian national identity and the historical origins, ideology, and behavior of the 2 most influential ultranationalist groups, specifically, the “skinheads” and “National Bolshevik Party”. Summarizing related literature, this study determines that Russian ultranationalism can be classified as conservative ultranationalism, and the stability of multiethnic and multicultural social beliefs was doubtful. In addition, Russian ultranationalism is detrimental to the development of national identity; specifically, neither the skinheads nor the National Bolshevik Party contributed to the cohesiveness and multifaceted development of Russian society. The quelling of ultranationalist groups has become a significant objective for the Russian government, and the efforts implemented by the Russian government to suppress ultranationalist groups have affected the subsequent development of ultranationalist groups. Keywords: Russia, ultranationalism, national identity, skinhead, National Bolshevik Party |
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