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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/61183
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    Title: 網路市集賣家影響下的評價分數與評論取向
    Rating Score and Comment Orientation under the Influence of Online Marketplace Sellers
    Authors: 謝宜廷
    Contributors: 管郁君

    Keywords: 網路評價系統
    Online evaluation system
    Rating score
    Comment orientation
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-10-01 11:59:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 網路市集中,網路評價系統扮演著重要角色在於買、賣雙方之間的信任建立,消費者往往仰賴網路評價系統協助購買決策的制訂,因此網路賣家必需認真看待買家給予的評價。然而,我們也不意外各式各樣的評價操弄行為開始出現於許多的網路市集中。僅管大多數操弄方式以隨機方式出現並且迅速的消失,其中一種具系統化且時常出現的操弄方式為賣家透過公告提醒事項試圖影響買家的評價,透過這些提醒事項去誘導買家留下正面評價或是禁止負面評價的產生。此研究提出一個研究設計用來檢視賣家的操弄行為對於評價系統之評價分數與評論取向的影響,而所提出研究架構將賣家的操弄行為分成三類分別為利誘、拒絕與無操弄。本研究選擇中國最大的網路市集─ 淘寶網用來衡量研究架構。
    Online evaluation systems play an important role in creating trust between sellers and buyers in online marketplaces. Consumers often rely on these evaluations when making purchase decisions. As a result, sellers need to take buyers’ evaluations seriously. However, evaluation manipulation occurs in many online marketplaces. Various types of manipulation are apparent. Although most appear to be spurious and disappear rather quickly, many sellers engage in systematic evaluation manipulation by constantly posting reminders to influence buyers’ evaluations. The reminders generally aim to prompt a positive rating or prohibit a negative rating. This study examines the influence of seller manipulation on rating scores and comment orientation in an evaluation system. The research framework categorizes three types of seller manipulation: allurement, rejection and none. Taobao.com, the largest online marketplace in China, is used to evaluate the proposed model.
    The results show that seller manipulation only influences rating scores. However, the interaction between seller manipulation and buyer experience influences both the orientation of comments and the percentage of positive ratings, which leads to significant differences among the three types of seller manipulation. Buyer experience mediates the relationship between seller manipulation and buyer evaluation. Although rating scores are influenced by seller manipulation, comments tend to contain much more valuable information. It is thus suggested that consumers rely on rating scores and comments when making purchase decisions.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100356033
    Data Type: thesis
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