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    Title: 不同資訊呈現方式多媒體影音開放式課程對於學習專注力、情緒、認知負荷與學習成效之影響研究
    Assessing the Effects of Different Video Lecture Types of OpenCourseWare on Learning Attention, Emotion, Cognitive Load and Performance
    Authors: 吳中信
    Wu, Chung Hsin
    Contributors: 陳志銘
    Chen, Chih Ming
    Wu, Chung Hsin
    Keywords: 多媒體影音開放式課程
    Multimedia OpenCourseWare
    Information Presentation
    Learning Attention
    Learning Emotion
    Cognitive Load
    Learning Performance
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2013-10-01 11:53:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   隨著網路科技與數位媒體的日益發展,多媒體影音教材已成為開放式課程製作的主要趨勢,目前常用的多媒體影音開放式課程包括現場教學式、視窗教學式與媒體豐富式三種,這三種教材製作方式與成本具有不小差異,並且採用不同資訊呈現方式錄製,但國內外卻鮮少有相關研究從學習者的角度,探討多媒體影音開放式課程資訊呈現方式對於學習成效的影響,因此為了提升開放式課程的品質與成效,有必要進行深入的探究。
      Multimedia materials have become a trend in the production of OpenCourseWare because of the development of network technology and digital media. The common multimedia OpenCourseWare contain empirical teaching, window teaching, and media richness, which present various material production and costs as well as distinct information presentation recording. Nevertheless, little domestic and international research has discussed the effects of the information presentation in multimedia OpenCourseWare on learning performance from the aspect of learners. To enhance the quality and effectiveness of OpenCourseWare, a deep exploration is therefore necessary.
      This study tends to explore the effects of the information presentation of empirical teaching, window teaching, and media richness in multimedia OpenCourseWare on learners’ attention to learning, learning emotion, cognitive load, and learning performance with Neurosky, the brainwave detection, emWave, the emotion sensing equipment, the cognitive load scale, and the learning performance test. Furthermore, the correlations among learners’ attention to learning, learning emotion, cognitive load, and learning performance induced by the three information presentations in multimedia OpenCourseWare are also discussed. The variables with significantly moderate correlations are proceeded Regression Analysis to ensure the predictable causation. Moreover, the attention to learning, learning emotion, cognitive load, and learning performance of learners with character and image cognitive styles are also explored the differences in the three information presentations in multimedia OpenCourseWare.
      The research findings are summarized as below. 1. The learning performance of the learners applying the three information presentations in multimedia OpenCourseWare is enhanced, but the learning performance with empirical teaching and media richness is higher than it with window teaching. 2. The attention to learning induced by window teaching is remarkably higher than it with media richness, possibly because the mental workload enhances the attention to learning. 3. The learners’ positive/negative learning emotion induced by the three information presentations in multimedia OpenCourseWare do not appear notable differences. 4. The cognitive load induced by window teaching, within the three information presentations in multimedia OpenCourseWare, is significantly higher than it induced by empirical teaching and media richness, and the cognitive load would affect the learners’ learning performance. 5. The learners with character cognitive style reveal notably higher attention on the application of window teaching than it of media richness, while the learners with image cognitive style appear higher cognitive load on the application of window teaching than it of empirical teaching and media richness. 6. The learners with both character and image cognitive styles present higher learning performance on the application of empirical teaching and media richness than it of window teaching. 7. The attention to learning with empirical teaching shows remarkably positive correlations with negative emotion, but significantly negative correlations with positive emotion; and, the relationship is predictable. Finally, the advantages and shortcomings of the three information presentations in multimedia OpenCourseWare are further concluded based on the dimensions of costs, skills, media richness, learning attention, learning emotion, cognitive load, and learning performance. The results show that there has not been an absolutely low-cost and high-effectiveness multimedia material production model developed. It is expected that the research results could assist in future multimedia material design and be the reference of selecting the open course production model.
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