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Title: | 台灣全球定位系統(GPS)業者經營策略之研究 -- 以A公司為例 |
Authors: | 張雅芬 Chang, Ya Fen |
Contributors: | 李易諭 張雅芬 Chang, Ya Fen |
Keywords: | 全球定位系統 經營模式 核心能耐 經營策略 GPS business model core competence business strategy |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-10-01 11:34:00 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣經濟以出口為導向,產業發展多以生產、製造與代工的方式,為國際品牌大廠提供產品與服務。近幾年來,台灣的中小企業,逐漸轉變為與品牌大廠合作,發揮專業分工效能,並藉此提昇競爭能力。 GPS產業的發展同樣以生產、製造與代工為主。但因為發展初期,相關產品的資源稀少,GPS業者需先自行研發GPS模組,再以所研發的模組生產終端消費性產品。這種發展模式,在價格競爭上有較多的獲利空間。 隨著新一代衛星系統的快速建構,全球定位系統(Global Positioning System, GPS)朝向多系統並存且互相支援的模式發展。在精準度不斷提升,多媒體行動裝置市場不斷增長的情況下,未來GPS技術勢將跨領域應用在更多整合性的產品上。台灣GPS業者應謹慎地選擇經營策略,以維持產業競爭力,達到企業永續經營的目的。 Taiwan`s economy is export-oriented; the industial development has been started from providing products manufacture and OEM services for international brand companies. In recent years, Taiwan’s small and medium enterprises turn to cooperate with those brand companies to exert division performance and to enhance competitiveness gradually. The development of GPS industry is similar, however with self-developed GPS module, it is more profitable to make end consumer products for brand companies. With rapid construction of new generation systems, the global positioning system (Global Positioning System, GPS) goes toward coexistence and mutual support multi-system model. With continuous improvement in GPS accuracy, and grow of multimedia mobile device market, the GPS technology will be bound to interdisciplinary application in more integrated products. Hence, Taiwan GPS industry should be careful to choose the business strategies to maintain industrial competitiveness, and achieve purpose of sustainable business. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 100932097 101 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100932097 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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