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Title: | 企業運用IT技術促成大量客製化關鍵因素之研究 -以樂高玩具集團為例 The Critical Factors of Applying IT to Facilitate in Mass Customization-A Case Study of LEGO Group |
Authors: | 許惠淳 Hsu, Huei Chun |
Contributors: | 余千智 許惠淳 Hsu, Huei Chun |
Keywords: | 大量客製化 IT技術 模組化設計 延遲策略 關鍵因素 Mass customization IT Technology Modular design Postponement strategy Critical factors |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2013-10-01 11:33:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 企業面對科技競爭的世代,必須透過不斷的創新和改善。應用IT科技強化競爭優勢,為了在競爭激烈的市場中脫穎而出,以求永續發展。近年來客製化商品需求逐漸增加,傳統的大量生產明顯無法滿足個別的需要。能同時達成差異化與低成本優勢的大量客製化模式,以接近大量生產的價格,製造符合顧客個別需求受到企業的採用。成功導入大量客製化,需要具備模組化設計和模組化標準製程、運用延遲策略的裝配流程,以及建立敏捷的供應網,彼此相互配合。模組化設計可縮短新產品研發過程、延遲策略能降低製造風險與成本。再加上科技的不斷演進,利用IT創造產品客製化的能力、運用IT滿足產品客製化的需求、仰賴IT建立彈性製造系統的基礎,可見IT在大量客製化過程中扮演重要的關鍵應用。
最後整理歸納出IT促成大量客製化七個關鍵要素:達成差異化和低成本的競爭優勢以順利促成大量客製化成功執行;應用IT技術創造產品客製化能力以滿足個別的需求;運用自助型服務以降低經營成本和提昇客製化服務效率;數位設計軟體與使用者介面的模組化設計可減少客製化決策過程;外包CRM系統減少軟體開發時間和成本能實現快速部署和執行;整合內外部的資訊流以提昇銷售、顧客及供應鏈管理;協助獲取顧客資訊累積顧客知識以滿足顧客需求和建立關係。並提出研究相關的結論和建議,做為國內玩具產業或是其他產業實施大量客製化之參考。 Enterprises face technological competition generations, must through constant innovation and improvement, using IT technology to strengthen their competitive advantages, in order to stand out in a competitive market to achieve sustainable development of enterprises. In recent years, demand for customized products increasing, the traditional mass production obviously unable to meet individual needs. Have both differentiation and low cost two competitive mass customization business model adopted by enterprises, providing customers can use close to mass production price to buy meet the individual needs of customized products. Successfully implement mass customization requires modular design and modular-standard production process to shorten the process of research and development for new product, postponement strategy and postponement manufacture and assemble processes to reduce the risks and costs in the process of manufacture, agile supply chain networking to provide a rapid and flexible response. Coupled with the continually development of technology, using IT to create customized capability of products, to meet individual needs and to establish flexible manufacturing systems foundation. IT is truly plays an important of critical factors in the mass customization implementation.
This study collected relevant literatures includes the strategy and implementation of mass customization, modular design, the strategy and process postponement, IT applications, risks and limitations. Supplemented by domestic toy industry and enterprise of this reflects the overall situation, mass customization strategy, modular design, the delay processes, IT applications, risks and limitations to mass customization implementation methodology proposed conceptual framework of analysis for finding the key and critical Factors. The purpose of this study is to create an analytical framework for leading mass customization in the toy industry. With the actual practices and outcomes of LEGO FACTORY to validate the feasibility of this analytical framework and the Steps can be proved by cast study and as a reference for domestic toy industry or another industry.
The result of this research are summarized the Critical Factors of Applying IT for Facilitating in Mass Customization (1) Facilitating to the successful implementation of mass customization to reach differentiated, low-cost competitive advantage. (2) Application of IT technology to create the product customization capabilities to meet the needs of individual (3) Self-Service to reduce operating costs, improve the efficiency of mass customization services. (4) Using modular design in the software development and the user interface to reducing customized decision-making process. (5) Outsource CRM systems to reduce time and costs for the software development, enabling rapid deployment and execution. (6) Integrated internal and external information flow to enhance sales management, customer management and supply chain management. (7) Obtaining customer information, customer knowledge, to meet customer needs and build customer relationships. |
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