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    Title: 體驗行銷、體驗價值、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度關係之研究-以Sony Ericsson旗艦店為例
    The study of the relationship among experiential marketing, experiential value, customer satisfication and customer loyalty:
    Authors: 簡志豪
    Chien, Chih Hao
    Contributors: 祝鳳岡
    Chien, Chih Hao
    Keywords: 體驗行銷
    Experimental Marketing
    Experimental Value
    Customer Satisfaction
    Customer Loyalty
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2013-09-09 11:22:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 面對競爭激烈的手機市場,消費趨勢已經從產品功能導向轉為消費體驗導向,體驗行銷(Schmitt,1999)改變了傳統只重視手機商品的性能與效益,轉而透過策略體驗模組(SEMs)與體驗媒介(ExPros)來提升產品附加價值。目前SonyEricsson索尼愛立信、NOKIA諾基亞、Samsung三星等手機巨頭都非常青睞體驗銷售方式,紛紛成立自家的品牌旗艦店並設立體驗平台,成為全新體驗式專賣店,此手法也成為各家品牌手機廠商傳達訊息給消費者最直接的模式。

    一. 透過適當的策略體驗模組可以強化不同構面的體驗價值。
    二. 體驗模組中的行動與關聯、思考與情感體驗可正向影響顧客滿意度。
    三. 體驗模組的行動與關聯、思考及情感體驗可以正向影響顧客忠誠度。
    四. 體驗價值中的投資報酬價值、卓越服務及趣味價值可以正向影響顧客滿意度。
    五. 體驗價值中的投資報酬價值、卓越服務及趣味價值可以正向影響顧客忠誠度。
    六. 顧客滿意度可以正向強化顧客忠誠度。

    一. 旗艦店應為顧客形塑精準而創新的消費體驗。
    二. 旗艦店應整合相關行銷資源,強化顧客感受到的經濟價值
    三. 持續強化旗艦店的服務品質,積極提升優質和愉悅服務價值
    四. 旗艦店應針對不同性別而有不同的產品行銷策略

    關於索尼愛立信(Sony Ericsson)
    Sony Ericsson 創立於 2001年 10月,為 Sony Corporation 與Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson 的合資企業,股權各佔一半。超過 7,500 個員工,致力於一系列產品、配件與應用程式的開發、設計、行銷、銷售、流通與服務。 有來自世界各地超過 40 個國家的員工,都受到各自所屬文化的激勵。從我們在瑞典、日本、中國、美國與英國的研發工作,到倫敦的全球管理,以至於世界各地的地區中心。
    With the fierece competition of mobile phone market, the trends of mobile consumbers had changed from product-oriented to experience-oriented Experiential Marketing (Schmitt, 1999) had transformed from traditional mobile phone product which merely emphasized on functionalities and effectiveness to add values on top of the product through the Strategic Experiential Modules SEMs and Experiential Providers ExPros. To present, Sony Ericsson, Nokia as well as Samsung mobile manufactures are very keen on experiential marketing by forming up their own flagship store and establishing a brand-new mobile phone experiential platform. This approach has become directly for branding mobile phone manufacturers to convey a marketing message to consumers. In this study, Sony Ericsson flagship store for the study, researchers used convenience sampling methods to investigate, through quantitative and qualitative strategies of experience marketing experience module SEMs, experience the value of the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and make practical experience of marketing suggestions.
    This case study is targeting at Sony Ericsson flagship store, analyzing the relations of Strategic Experiential Modules SEMs, Experiential Value, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty through qualitative and quantitative methodology, providing the practical marketing recommendations to the owner of flagship store.

    The result of this research shows :
    1. Through appropriate SEMs can positively predict different aspect of experimental value.
    2. SEMs -Act, Relate, Think and Feel can positively reinforce customer satisfaction.
    3. SEMs -Act, Relate, Think and Feel can positively reinforce customer loyalty.
    4. Experimental value CROI, service excellence and playfulness can positively reinforce customer satisfaction.
    5. Experimental value CROI, service excellence and playfulness can positively reinforce customer loyalty.
    6. Customer satisfaction can positively reinforce customer loyalty.

    Hereafter are the suggestions for Sony Ericsson Flagship Store to develop the marketing strategy onwards:
    1. Flagship Store should provide accurate and innovative consumer experience to their customers.
    2. Flagship Store should integrate relevant marketing resources to enhance experimental value CROI.
    3. Continuing to strengthen the flagship store quality of service, and actively enhance the service excellence and playfulness.
    4. Flagship store should have different gender-specific product marketing strategy

    About Sony Ericsson
    Sony Ericsson, a 50:50 joint venture of Sony Corporation and Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson, was established in October 2001. Over 9,000 employees contribute to the development, design, marketing, sales, distribution and service of a full portfolio of products, accessories and applications. Hailing from over 40 countries and employed across the map, our people are inspired by the cultures that surround them. From our R&D operations in Sweden, Japan, China, the US and UK, to our global management in London to our regional centers around the world.
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    三、 網站部份
    1. Sony Ericsson 公司 www.sonyericsson.com
    2. Ericsson 公司 www.ericsson.com
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