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Title: | 國家形象再造之研究:以中國設立全球孔子學院為例 The research of reconstruction of national image - a case study of China’s Confucius Institute |
Authors: | 鄒雨濃 |
Contributors: | 吳德美 鄒雨濃 |
Keywords: | 國家形象 國家行銷 柔性權力 孔子學院 和平發展 National Image The Marketing of Nations Soft Power Confucius Institute |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-09 11:08:46 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,全球化的高度發展促使國際格局逐漸產生改變,中國作為一新興國家,已相當明白當前國際間的競合關係應以良性發展為導向,致力於改變過去給予國際社會過度擴張剛性權力的既定印象,方能提供其綜合國力穩定發展的平台。透過觀察中國一連串有計畫的國家文化行銷活動,可見中國過去數千年的溫和、中庸的文化印象遺產成了柔性權力發展的最佳載具,其中又以中國官辦官營的孔子學院在全球長期性、有組織且有計畫的設點最受到關注。 國家如同商品,需要量身打造最適的計畫及管道來定位及行銷,本文透過結合學者Kotler及Olins的行銷理論,使用文獻分析法、歷史比較研究法以及內容分析法,配合國內外主要報業對於孔子學院之報導及評論作次級資料分析,(資料蒐集區段自2004年孔子學院成立以至2010年7月)探討國家形象建構之重要性及中國選擇孔子學院為扭轉其國家形象之途徑因素及成效。 In recent year, blooming of globalization catalyzed the change of international situation. As an up-and-coming country, China realized the competition and cooperation among the globe should have the common goal of working toward a healthier development. China also recognized that the need of transform its stereotype image of being the over expanded hard power would be the solution to create platform for steady growth of national power. As soft power becoming the trend of today, how to create a positive national image is one of top priority policies for China. By studying China’s stream of well-planned marketing events for its national culture, we could see how the mild and mean culture of China in the past thousand years materialized. Out of all the events, the government managed Confucius Institutes organized expansion globally is the most followed event. A nation is very similar to a product, which need customized plan and channel for marketing. By combining Kotler and Olins’s marketing theory, this research paper discuss about the importance of constructing a national image. This research also discusses in detail about the process and the result of China using Confucius Institutes to modify its national image. |
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