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    Title: 多一些察覺,少一點壓力? 創傷識讀如何幫助記者感知因採訪而得的創傷經驗
    More awareness, less stress? How trauma literacy helps journalists perceive their traumatic experience in covering trauma news
    Authors: 宋思潔
    Sung, Sz Jie
    Contributors: 許瓊文
    Hsu, Chiung Wen
    Sung, Sz Jie
    Keywords: 台東記者
    Taitumg journalists
    Trauma news
    Traumatic awareness
    Trauma literacy
    Trauma training
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-09 11:05:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 新聞記者因為報導重大創傷事件或社會悲劇,常常需要暴露在充滿創傷的環境如災難現場、事故現場;接觸身心受創傷的人及採訪敘述他人的創傷記憶。這些對創傷的接觸都使新聞記者不斷目睹他人的傷痛並感到身心俱疲,甚至在採訪傷痛經驗後同樣感到「受傷」。



    為了確切討論記者在增加創傷識讀後的改變,本研究用Antonovsky提出的統合感 (Sense of Coherence)中的三大向度,周延理解性(Comprehensibility)、因應管理度(Manageability)及意義性(Meaningfulness)為框架發展訪談問題並分析訪談資料,討論記者參與創傷識讀工作坊後在這三方面的改變。

    The nature of news is that journalists are often required to report traumatic events. As journalists are also the first responders to some trauma memories of people, they may see and be affected by other people`s distress and grief.

    Trainings about trauma have emerged in media organizations or some journalism educational institutes. These trauma training stressed journalists should take more concerns about trauma on others and on self during covering traumatic events.

    Held a simple workshop about trauma to Taitung journalists and used in-depth interviews to analyze if raising journalists awareness about the possible trauma from covering tragedies, what has changed on their perceptions of their traumatic experience from covering trauma news? Also what has changed on their covering about trauma news when they get more awareness about trauma?

    The thesis used the concept of sense of coherence to discuss the change on journalists’ comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness about covering trauma news.

    Key words: Taitung journalists, Trauma news, Traumatic awareness, Trauma literacy, Trauma training
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