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    题名: 由中國於WTO下之國際法義務探討其稀土出口管制政策
    China’s Rare Earths Export Restriction Measures under WTO Regulation
    作者: 黃滋立
    贡献者: 施文真
    关键词: 稀土
    GATT 1994
    rare earths
    GATT 1994
    export tariff
    export quota
    export licensing
    export performance
    China’s Accession Protocal
    日期: 2011
    上传时间: 2013-09-05 16:52:09 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 稀土作為國防工業和科技產品之主要原料,因其材質具有特殊性及不可替代性,故原料供給來源之穩定有其重要性。目前全球稀土90%以上皆產於中國,然中國近年來積極地對於稀土之開採及出口,透過配額及許可證、出口關稅、價格控制、開採量限制等,對稀土採取管制措施,造成各國製造能源科技設備原料短缺,而引發美國、日本、歐盟等科技產品製造大國的不滿。
    本文以GATT 1994及中國入會議定書對貨品貿易所作之承諾,作為分析中國稀土出口限制政策之法律依據,並主要參考「中國-原物料案(China-Raw Materials)」之小組裁決,輔以「中國-視聽服務案(China- Audiovisual Services)」之裁決,探究違反中國入會議定書承諾之稀土出口管制措施,是否有援用GATT 1994第20條一般例外條款之正當性,並對於中國稀土出口管制政策於WTO規範下之適法性進行分析,最後作出結論。
    The rare earths are essential for many hundreds of applications. The versatility and specificity of the rare earths has given them a level of technological, environmental, and economic importance considerably greater than might be expected from their relative obscurity. China supplies over 90 percent of rare earths globally, but has applied a series of restraints to limit the exportation and production of rare earths, including export duties and export quotas, and price and production control , leadind to raise serious concerns among industry in the U.S., Japan and European Unions.
    This thesis takes GATT 1994 and the Protocol of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter China’s Accession Protocal) as the legal basis to analyze China’s rare earths export restriction measures. And in order to examine whether these dispute measures are pursuant to the WTO’s agreements, and whether Article XX of the GATT 1994 is available as a defense under China’s Accession Protocal, this thesis takes China-Raw Materials and China- Audiovisual Services’s ruling as the main references, and providing the conclusion of the study.
    參考文獻: 一、 中文部分
    (一)、 書籍專論
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