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Title: | 產品、網路評論與消費者特質類別對網路口碑效果之影響 The effect of product, internet comment, and consumer types on eWOM. |
Authors: | 施得琪 |
Contributors: | 邱志聖 溫偉任 施得琪 |
Keywords: | 網路口碑 公開性與私人性消費產品 自我意識 eWOM Publicly and Privately Consumed Products Self-Consciousness |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-05 16:50:48 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 針對近年來消費者從被動地由廠商給予到主動搜尋產品資訊的趨勢,本研究欲探討網路口碑效果影響消費者在面對不同種類產品時所產生的認知差異與偏好的改變。 過去探討網路口碑對消費者的影響往往著重於網路口碑本身的性質,諸如口碑的傳播路徑、口碑所在網站的社群關係或是參考團體的影響力等。然而在網路口碑的傳遞過程當中,除了作為訊號的網路評論之外,還有發訊者:產品及重要的口碑接受者:消費者這兩方。為補足過去研究網路口碑效果的缺陷,本研究希望結合三方的觀點一併探究網路評論的類型、產品類型與消費者類型之間的影響關係,及是否會有任何交互作用的產生。 研究方法以問卷方式進行,樣本選擇經常上網人口的大宗:大學生為主要受測對象,並以ANOVA及t檢定探討網路口碑對於消費者是否有顯著的影響。大部分的研究假設皆受到支持,總合研究結果如下: 1. 評論的正負、產品與消費者類別對於消費者產品態度、評論有用度及影響度皆有獨立的顯著影響 2. 評論的正負、產品與消費者類別等兩兩變數之間甚至是三個變數之間有交互作用產生,而使口碑傳播的結果或有不同。廠商在執行網路行銷活動或面對不同目標市場的消費者時應採取適當的因應辦法,以達到市場有效率的目的。 The trend of receiving product information given passively by firms has been changed to actively searching the information by consumers. The purpose of this study wants to find out the effects of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) to differences in consumer’s cognition and preference changes. In the past, the research of eWOM always focused on the characteristics of eWOM, like spreading path, the community relationship or the influence of reference groups etc.. However, eWOM not only includes e-comments, but the sender of the comments. To make up the gap of the past researches, this study wants to combine different product categories, types of comments and types of consumers and explore their influences to each other and potential interactions. This study distributes questionnaires to frequent internet users: college students and uses ANOVA and t test to examine the regression model. The major findings are as the followings: 1. Different product categories, comment types and consumer types each have independent influences on consumer’s attitude and cognition. 2. The interactions effects of different product categories, comment types and consumer types influence the eWOM effect and consumer’s attitude. Firms should select appropriate internet marketing methods corresponding to their target consumers in order to achieve market efficiency. |
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