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    Title: 教育學門系所評鑑指標體系建構之研究
    Research on the evaluation indicators of educational departments and graduate schools of educational discipline
    Authors: 林筠諺
    Lin, Yun Yan
    Contributors: 吳政達

    Lin, Yun Yan
    Keywords: 教育學門
    Analytic Network Process
    educational discipline
    evaluation indicator
    Fuzzy Delphi
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-05 15:31:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討教育學門系所評鑑的理論和執行相關課題,並建構教育學門系所評鑑指標權重體系,提供執行教育學門系所評鑑之參考。經由文獻分析,初擬教育學門系所評鑑指標,選取系所評鑑委員和系所主管共計16人為研究對象,使用模糊德懷術建構教育學門系所評鑑指標體系架構,再以網絡分析法建立評鑑指標的相對權重體系。研究結果指出,教育學門系所評鑑指標體系包含行政管理、環境設備、課程規劃、教師教學、學生學習、專業表現、經營成效等七個向度和17個次向度與65項評鑑指標。最後,本研究針對主管教育行政機關、辦理教育學門系所評鑑單位、教育學門系所及後續研究者提出具體建議。
    The study explored the relevant theoretical foundation and practical issues about the evaluation for educational departments and graduate schools. The study also proposed an evaluation indicator weighting system for educational departments and graduate schools in higher education. By reviewing relevant academic literature, the preliminary evaluative indicators were proposed. Sixteen experts who are university program evaluators or chairpersons of departments and graduate schools were the testing samples. This study adopted the Fuzzy Delphi method to build a framework of the evaluation indicator system. In addition, the relative weight of each evaluation indicator was assessed by the Analysis Network Process. The results showed that the conceptual framework of the evaluation indicator system containing 7 dimensions, 17 sub-dimensions, and 65 indicators. The seven dimensions are administrative management, environment and equipments, curriculum planning, faculty’s teaching, student’s learning, professional performance, and operative outcomes. Finally, suggestions were proposed to educational authority, institutions of program evaluation, educational departments and graduate schools, and further researchers.
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