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Title: | 大學生感恩特質及其與社會支持、因應型態及幸福感之關係 The Relationships among Undergraduates’ Gratitude, Social Support, Coping Style, and Subjective Well-being |
Authors: | 林志哲 |
Contributors: | 葉玉珠 林志哲 |
Keywords: | 感恩 社會支持 因應 幸福感 gratitude social support coping subjective well-being |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-05 15:26:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討大學生的感恩特質、社會支持、因應型態及幸福感之相互關係,從而建構各變項間可能的影響路徑。研究採問卷調查法,以台灣地區公、私立大學750位大學生為研究對象。研究工具則包含感恩特質量表、社會支持量表、因應型態量表、幸福感量表、GQ-6量表及負向情緒量表等六份量表。本研究採用描述統計、單因子多變量變異數分析及結構方程模式分析資料,研究結果陳述如下: 一、人口變項與感恩特質、社會支持、因應型態、幸福感之關係 (一)不同地區(北、中、南)大學生在感恩特質、社會支持、因應型態及幸福感表現上並無顯著差異存在。 (二)公立學校大學生在感恩特質及社會支持表現上顯著優於私立學校,但在因應型態及幸福感表現上則無顯著差異存在。 (三)不同學院(文、商、理、工、社科、教育、藝術)大學生在感恩特質、社會支持、因應型態及幸福感表現上皆有差異存在。 (四)女大學生在感恩特質、社會支持及因應型態之「情緒取向積極因應」及幸福感得分皆高於男大學生。惟男學大生在因應型態之「問題取向消極因應」得分高於女大學生。 (五)一年級大學生在社會支持之「訊息與實質性支持」得分高於二年級大學生,但在感恩特質、因應型態及幸福感表現上則無顯著的年級差異存在。 (六)不同宗教信仰(無、佛、道、基督/天主、其他)的大學生在感恩特質及社會支持表現上有差異存在,但在因應型態及幸福感表現上則無顯著差異存在。 二、感恩特質與社會支持、因應型態、幸福感之關係 (一)不同感恩特質之大學生在社會支持表現上有差異存在;感恩特質程度較高者,其知覺到「情緒與陪伴性支持」及「訊息與實質性支持」的程度較高。 (二)不同感恩特質之大學生在因應型態表現上有差異存在;感恩特質程度較高者,除較能採取「問題取向積極因應」及「情緒取向積極因應」,亦會較少採取「情緒取向消極因應」。 (三)不同感恩特質之大學生在幸福感表現上有差異存在;感恩特質程度較高者,其知覺到「生活滿意」及「正向情緒」的程度較高。 (四)感恩特質、社會支持及因應型態除對幸福感具正向直接效果,感恩特質也會透過社會支持及因應型態對幸福感產生正向間接效果。此外,社會支持除透過因應型態對幸福感具正向間接效果,因應型態也會透過社會支持對幸福感產生正向間接效果。 最後,根據上述研究結果提出若干意見,以供相關單位與人員在教育及未來研究上之參考。 The main purposes of this study were to explore the interactive relationships of undergraduates’ gratitude, social support, coping style, and subjective well-being, and further to examine a path model of these variables. The participants in this study were 750 undergraduate students in Taiwan. Moreover, the employed instruments included the Inventory of Gratitude, the Inventory of Social Support, the Inventory of Coping Style, the Inventory of Subjective Well-being, the gratitude questionnaire-6, and the Inventory of Negative Emotion. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way MANOVA and SEM. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. The relationships among demographic variables, gratitude, social support, coping style, and subjective well-being. (1) Areas had no effects on the undergraduates’ gratitude, social support, coping style, and subjective well-being. (2) Undergraduate students from public universities had a higher degree of gratitude and social support than those from private universities. However, no differences were found on coping style and subjective well-being between these two groups. (3) College majors had effects on the undergraduates’ degree of gratitude, social support, coping style, and subjective well-being. (4) While the females had a higher degree of gratitude, social support, and emotion-focused positive coping than the males, the males had a higher degree of problem-focused negative coping than the females. (5) The freshmen had a higher level of informational-tangible social support than the sophomores. However, no differences were found on gratitude, coping style, and subjective well-being among the four grade levels. (6) Religious beliefs had effects on the undergraduates’ gratitude and social support, but did not have effects on their coping style and subjective well-being. 2. The relationships among gratitude, social support, coping style, and subjective well-being. (1) Grateful people had a higher degree of emotional-accompanied and informational-tangible social support than less grateful ones. (2) Grateful people tended to utilize more problem-focused positive coping and emotion-focused positive coping than less grateful ones. However, less grateful people tended to utilize more emotion-focused negative coping than more grateful ones. (3) Grateful people had a higher level of life satisfaction and positive emotion than less grateful ones. (4) While gratitude, social support, and coping style positively influenced the undergraduates’ subjective well-being, gratitude positively influenced their subjective well-being via social support and coping style. In addition, while social support positively influenced their subjective well-being via coping style, coping style also positively influenced subjective well-being via social support. Finally, the researcher proposed some suggestions for education and future research. |
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