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Title: | 新加坡中央公積金制度管理運用之研究 Singapore’s central provident fund scheme – a study of management and investment |
Authors: | 王昌鴻 Hong, Vuong Xuong |
Contributors: | 張昌吉 Chang, Chun Chig 王昌鴻 Hong, Vuong Xuong |
Keywords: | 社會保障 公積金 新加坡公積金 中央公積金 公積金制度 social security provident fund Central Provident Fund CPF Singapore`s CPF |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-05 14:59:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 新加坡的中央公積金制度,曾被人稱之爲新加坡經濟起飛的秘密武器,它對於新加坡人民生活的保障、社會的穩定、經濟和社會的發展都起著十分重要的作用。新加坡中央公積金制度乃政府立法强制實行的個人儲蓄計畫,其最初目的是為確保勞工能備有足夠的養老金,有尊嚴地應付退休生活。經過五十多年的實踐,在促進了國家的發展的同時,該制度也成爲一種全面性的社會保險制度,可以滿足人們退休、購房、醫療保健、教育及投資等具有創意的制度,其良性循環正顯示出很强的生命力。不斷改革完善、創新的新加坡中央公積金制度爲許多國家進行社會保障制度改革提供了很好的思路和富有價值的借鑒。 根據本研究結果發現,嚴格規範、富有成效的基金管理是新加坡中央公積金制度成功運行的重要保障。爲此,新加坡政府建立了一整套較成熟的法律規範,對整個制度的運行過程實施嚴格周密的法律監督與管理。此外,在基金的投資運用方面:以個人而言,中央公積金參與者在個人投資意願上並不高,大多數仍偏好將帳戶金額留置,賺取政府給予之帶有最低保障收益率的利息,即使採取自主投資者,仍以尋求低風險的保險商品為主;以政府而言,因適逢全球性的市場低利率水準,因此讓新加坡公積金局負責運用之基金部分的報酬率,僅有最低保障利率之水準。 綜觀之,新加坡中央公積金制度在管理方面井井有條,頗為健全且富有創新,然而,其投資運用方面卻顯得績效不彰,有待改善。新加坡中央公積金制度雖不是完美的制度,但無論如何,其參考及借鑒的價值是一直得到肯定。 Singapore`s Central Provident Fund (CPF) Scheme, which has been regarded as Singapore`s secret weapon for its economic takeoff, plays very important role in Singapore`s security, social stability, economic and social development. As a compulsory savings scheme, CPF ensured that workers could support themselves with dignity in retirement. Over the years, CPF has also been used to accelerate national growth. To meet the population`s needs in housing, healthcare, education, family protection and investment, several innovative schemes were introduced over the last five decades. Its virtuous circle is showing strong vitality. Constantly reforming and perfecting innovation of Singapore’s CPF Scheme also provides a good ideas and valuable lessons for many countries to reform their social security system. In this study, Singapore`s CPF Scheme has an effective fund management with strictly relative act, an importantly safeguard to lead it to success. In this, the Singapore Government has established one whole set mature legal act, to ensure an efficient implementation of entire process under close legal supervision and management. In addition, about fund investment: for individual, it seems like Singapore’s CPF Scheme’s members are not high in individual investment wish, majority still by leave fund to their own account to earns lowest minimum returns interest rate paid by the government, even for independent investors, they most sought the low-risk and insured’s investment products; for the government, as it meet the global market low interest rate standard period, therefore Singapore`s Central Provident Fund Board be responsible for fund of part the utilization return rate, only has standard of the lowest safeguard interest rate. Finally, in management aspect, Singapore`s CPF Scheme has been successful at implementation with strictly legal criteria and it also more innovation, however, in investment aspect, its achievements is not so clear, still need some necessary improvements. On balance, the CPF scheme, although not perfect, is worthy of consideration for other countries. |
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