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Title: | 國際勞工組織優質工作政策之研究 -全球治理的取向 A study on ILO Decent work agenda- global governance approach |
Authors: | 張慈芳 Chang, Tzu Fang |
Contributors: | 張其恆 Chang, Chyi herng 張慈芳 Chang, Tzu Fang |
Keywords: | 優質工作政策 國際勞工組織 全球治理 Decent Work Agenda International Labour Organization Global Governance |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-05 14:58:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 二十世紀末世界各國掀起了全球化的浪潮,人口的不斷的增加、國際貿易快速的成長以及跨國公司的迅速擴張,固然帶來了生產效率的提高以及經濟的繁榮,但對社會同時也帶來了負面的影響:工會自由組織的權利受到挑戰,強迫勞動、就業歧視與童工的問題也更加嚴重,國與國之間的貧富差距也不斷擴大,全球有三分之一的勞動人口無法找到固定的工作,超過十億的人每日收入低於一美元。經濟貿易的發展如果無法促使勞動者獲得更好的工作條件及生活品質,那麼全球化所帶來的經濟繁榮也終將無法永續,正如《費城宣言》中所提及的「任一地的貧窮都會對繁榮造成威脅」。 國際勞工組織於1999年所提出之優質工作政策,即是在面對經濟全球化所帶來的社會不公正上,所持的策略作為,希望能透過優質工作政策所揭櫫的四大策略:勞動基本原則與權利、促進就業、社會保護及社會對話,以增進勞工得以在自由、公平、受保障且有尊嚴的工作環境中,獲得優質且具有生產效益的工作,進而落實社會正義之理念。 優質工作政策的提出至今已有十二年之久,透過國際勞工組織努力的宣導以及各種國際機構及組織的推廣,其政策之理念也逐漸普及於世界各地並獲得廣泛的共識。世界貿易組織、國際貨幣基金組織以及世界銀行三大全球經濟治理機構,在推動其政策上也開始納入優質工作之政策;國際工會組織、國際雇主團體以及公民社會和非政府組織,也鼓勵其會員國將政策理念推廣於各個國家,並且促進勞動基準及相關保護法規的建立;各國經濟貿易所簽署之協定中,也已逐步將勞動議題融入其協議中,亦透過企業社會責任促使政策得以落實於所有員工達到優質工作政策之目標。 探究優質工作政策,發現其核心理念、目標值得我國參考與學習,因此,本研究提出以下建議:(一)將優質工作理念落實於全國人民;(二)加強三方機制,促進社會對話;(三)規劃優質工作政策的衡量指標及監督機制,並且表揚政策成功落實典範;(四)貿易協定納入勞動相關條款;(五)從企業社會責任落實優質工作政策。 Globalization brings lots of effects, it causes that populations increased, international trade and multi-national corporations expended quickly at the end of twenty centry. Though globalization brings productive efficiently and boomy economics, it also brings negative social effects: the challenge of the right of collective bargaining, forced labor, employment discrimination, and child labor. The poverty gap between contry and country enlarges countinually so that lots of people can not find a permanent job and over 1 billions of people earned less than 1 US dollar per day. If the development of the economic trade can not let all workers to acquire a better working condition, the boomy economics can not sustain which also mentioned in《Declaration of Philadelphia》: Poverty anywhere constitutes a danger to prosperity everywhere. International Labour Organization (ILO) introduced “Decent Work Agenda” in 1999 which is to resolve the social injustice brought from globalization. There are four strategies of decent work: rights at work, employment creation, social protection, and social dialogue. The primary purpose of Decent Work agenda is to promote opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work, in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity. ILO promotes the concept of Decent Work Agenda to global governance institutions. WTO, IMF and WB start to include labor issues within their policy or relevant programmes; ITUC, IOE, civil society, and NGOs enhance their membership to promote Decent Work Agenda to their countries. Besides, ILO wants all countries could lay down commitments on labor issues within the agreements during the activities of international trade, and all of the enterprises could practice the goal of Decent Work Agenda by corporate social responsibility (CSR). Therefore, this study makes the following recommendations: (a) promote Decent Work Agenda to all people; (b) enhance tripartite mechanism and social dialogue; (c) formulate the measurement index and monitor mechanism of Decent Work; (d) lay down commitments on labour matters within trade agreements; (e) boost CSR to realize the goal of Decent Work Agenda. |
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