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    Title: 勞動訴訟制度之研究
    Study on the Institution of Labor Jurisdiction
    Authors: 蔡岳峰
    Tsai Yueh Feng
    Contributors: 王惠玲
    Tsai Yueh Feng
    Keywords: 勞動訴訟
    Labor Jurisdiction
    Labor proceeding
    Labor court
    Labor Tribunal
    The Settlement of Labor Disputes Law in Taiwan
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-05 14:57:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   勞動訴訟制度,係指基於勞動關係之特殊性,鑒於勞動者與資方在地位上之懸殊,有必要在勞動法上給予特別保障,因此有便宜、迅速、妥適等特性之一套權利救濟程序。我國雖於勞資爭議處理法訂有勞工法庭之規定,但運作仍回歸民事訴訟法,特殊程序之規定仍付之闕如,以致各界迭有建立相關制度之呼籲。民事訴訟法雖自民國七十二年起,便成立「民事訴訟法研究修正委員會」,而展開漫長的修法工作,有關財產法訴訟現已暫告段落。但司法改革雖然歷經十年餘之討論,亦有專業法庭設置之共識,但現實上似乎僅形式上之法庭存在,配合運作之規範與邏輯仍依照民事訴訟法之規定,一直不願正視勞動案件在一般民事訴訟法運作下所產生之不妥與不適。
    The Labor Jurisdiction means to base on the particularity of Employment, concerning the weakness of labor. It’s needed to correspond to the special needs of Labor Law. The distinguished characteristics of it are more cheap, simplicity of procedure, proper to reality of labor. Even the article 6 of The Settlement of Labor Disputes Law regulates that ‘For adjudicating rights disputes, the court shall set up a labor court when necessary.’ In Taiwan, the procedure is obeyed the rules of ‘Taiwan Code of Civil Procedure’. The related regulation is still lack. The public opinion is demand to construct the institution of special jurisdiction. As about twenty years gone by, The Judicial Yuan in Taiwan planed to reform the judiciary, and continually finished the revise of the law of civil proceeding, but the revised Taiwan Code of Civil Procedure still neglected the importance and particularity of The Labor Jurisdiction.
    By discussing the situation of labor dispute and the rights disputes settled in civil courthouse, it appears that whether we need the courthouse of labor (labor tribunal) or not, the special proceeding is eager to construct.
    After introducing the institution of Germany and Japan, we compared the difference between Taiwan, Germany and Japan. The Labor Court of Germany (Arbeitsgericht) is absolutely independent from civil courthouse. Special procedures meet the need of The Labor Jurisdiction mentioned above. In Japan, special courthouse is violating the Institution, and the proceeding is obeyed the civil procedure law, like Taiwan. But Japan recently constructed a special Labor Tribunal System, integrated the function of decision-making and mediation. The new approach was expected to solve the problems of civil procedure, such as copious and long-term procedures. The different models have its owned features and merits, which one is the point for Taiwan to imitate? This article selected a few issue to discuss, and contented that to construct the special labor proceeding is the optimum approach to out of the predicament.
    Reference: 中文部份
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094262010
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