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    Title: 特展體驗模組之研究:以天才達文西為例
    The exhibition study of sems – the case study of genius Da Vinci
    Authors: 鄭秀姬
    Contributors: 祝鳳岡
    Keywords: 體驗模組
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2013-09-05 14:38:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 國內藝文市場發展熱絡,各式特展紛紛來台展出,如何透過行銷創造人潮,在市場中勝出,是重要課題。本研究發現「臺北天才達文西特展」展示品特色多元,具備執行體驗行銷之完整條件,因此引發本研究動機。
    1. 注意體驗模組跟每一項體驗媒介之間的相互銜接或補強,以創造價值
    2. 展場的環境面向將牽動體驗模組的每一個環節
    3. 廣宣策略應視參觀者預期的心理調整建議
    4. 加強優質服務以提昇顧客滿意度。
    5. 加強空間大小適當性、人數控制與定時導覽密度以提昇體驗價值中的服務優越性價值。
    6. 改善畫作區與解剖區展示物說明與空調問題。
    7. 增加志工培訓專業度與人數。
    When arts began to develop and expand in various directions and more exhibitions are hosted in Taiwan, using effective marketing strategy to attract visitors has become a significant factor for achieving market success. Da Vince – The Genius Exhibition in Taipei, offers comprehensive collections to the audience, and by having these elements, makes it a perfect case study for experiential marketing research which became the initial motivation of this research.
    In-depth interview method with qualitative approach and survey method with quantitative approach were used in the research. In-depth interviews were performed among six exhibition volunteers. As for surveys, 379 were returned. After analyzing all statistics, results are listed as follows.
    The research concluded as follow:
    1. It’s confirmed that experiential marketing with the SEMs (Strategic experiences modules) of think, relate, sense and action has a significant positive effect on experiential value of aesthetics and playfulness.
    2. It’s confirmed that experiential marketing with SEMs of think, relate, sense and action has a significant positive effect on experiential value of consumer return on investment(CROI).
    3. It’s confirmed that experiential marketing with SEMs of playfulness and consumer return on investment has a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction.
    4. It’s confirmed that experiential marketing with SEMs of playfulness and visitor return on investment has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty.
    5. It’s confirmed that customer satisfaction has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty.
    Based on the above findings, the following are the marketing strategy advices for Da Vinci - The Genius:
    1. Value creation is enhanced by emphasizing the connection and collaboration between experiential modules and experience providers.
    2. Experiential modules are influenced by exhibition vicinity.
    3. Publicity strategies need to be adjusted based on visitor expectations.
    4. Improve customer satisfaction by enhancing customer services.
    5. Improve experiential value of service excellence by enhancing the appropriate room space, capacity control of visitors, and availability of guided tours.
    6. Improve exhibit description and air conditioning in painting and anatomy sections.
    7. Increase volunteers as well as improving their skills and knowledge.
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