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Title: | 台灣無線寬頻接取營運商之競爭策略研究 --以威達雲端電訊為例 The competitive strategies of WBA operators in Taiwan- a case study of vee telecom multimedia |
Authors: | 卞宗瑩 Pien, Tsung Ying |
Contributors: | 劉幼琍 卞宗瑩 Pien, Tsung Ying |
Keywords: | WiMAX LTE 基礎資源理論 競爭優勢 競爭策略 威達雲端電訊 WiMAX LTE Resource-Based Theory Competitive Strategy Competitive Advantage Vee Telecom Multimedia Co |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-05 14:32:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自2007年國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)發放六張無線寬頻接取執照(Wireless Broadband Access, WBA)後,至今台灣六家WiMAX營運商已全數開台,台灣WiMAX產業正式進入商轉營運階段。然而由於WiMAX為一新興產業,產業之遊戲規則仍待確立,加上其他4G等行動上網技術的競爭下,各家WiMAX營運商之背景與資源分部情形無法立即分出競爭勝負,還需端看營運商如何對自身資源作出適當的評估與利用,以發展合適之競爭策略,才能達到產業競爭優勢。 因此本研究從資源基礎理論的角度出發,透過個案研究法,以得到南區執照的威達雲端電訊進行研究,了解威達雲端在發展WiMAX產業上,對資源的運用。本研究擬探討之四個問題為:(1) 威達雲端電訊當初選擇進入WiMAX產業的評估與原因為何? (2) 威達雲端電訊在發展WiMAX上的核心資源與資源缺口各為何?(3) 威達運端電訊在進入WiMAX此一新興產業時,如何針對本身資源的優劣勢發展出適當的競爭策略?(4) 威達雲端電訊相較於其他WiMAX營運商,有何競爭優勢?(5) LTE與WiMAX陣營在未來發展上各有何資源優勢,WiMAX營運商該如何面對LTE的挑戰? 研究結果發現:(1) 威達雲端最大核心資源優勢為本身擁有大量內容及相關經驗、基礎顧客群,與光纖網路之布建。(2) 威達雲端主要資源缺口為資金、相關人才與電信發 展經驗與技術。(3) 威達雲端有效利用具延展性之資源,將資源做延伸與強化,進行多角化發展,推出新產品組合及服務,以達到綜效與擴大整體經濟規模。(4) 威達雲端進行策略聯盟等合作方式進行資源之補足,尤其是以吸取電信相關布建經驗與技術為主。(5) 相較於其他相關業者,威達雲端以較低成本提供WiMAX服務,並將WiMAX技術與其他資源結合,推出差異化之服務為其競爭之優勢。 Since the National Communications Commission released six operating licenses of Wireless Broadband Access (WBA) in 2007, the six WiMAX operators in Taiwan have all completed deployment for commercial services by the end of 2010. However, as an emerging industry, WiMAX technology and its industry have not fully matured. Meanwhile, WiMAX is facing the rival fourth generation wireless technology . Under the circumstance, in order to create competitive advantages, WiMAX operators should lie primarily in the application of the bundle of valuable resources at the firm`s disposal. Therefore, this paper, takes the Resource-Based Theory as the analysis structure, with reference to the case of licensed WiMAX operator “Vee Telecom Multimedia Co,” (or simply Vee) attempts to find out how the operator utilizes its core resource to carry out the competitive strategy. The purposes of this thesis include: (1) The reason why Vee chose to enter WiMAX industry; (2) The core resources and recourse gaps of Vee; (3) When entering the WiMAX industry, how Vee carry out the strategic deployment of its resources; (4) Compare to other WiMAX operators, what competitive advantages does Vee have; (5) What core resources do WiMAX and LTE operators have? How do WiMAX operators face the challenge of LTE technology?
The results showed that (1) the core resources of Vee are contents, customer base, and the fiber network. (2) the resource gaps of Vee are funds, talent, experiences in telecommunications. (3) with the effective use of scalable resources, Vee extends and strengthens the resources to develop new products and services portfolio, in order to achieve synergies and increase economies of scale. (4) using strategic alliances and other cooperative approach to fill the resource gaps, especially the deployment experiences in telecommunications. (5) compared to other operators, Vee provides WiMAX services at a lower cost and offers differentiated services to gain its competitive advantage. |
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數位之牆http://www.digitalwall.com/scripts/keyword.asp?txtKeyword=WiMax 鐘惠玲(2008年9月23日)。〈WIMAX與小固網雙路進擊 成功縣市模組快速擴 充〉。《電子時報》。取自 http://www.nccwatch.org.tw/news/20080923/24877 |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 新聞研究所 97451022 99 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097451022 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [新聞學系] 學位論文
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