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Title: | 中國2008年企業所得稅改革對上市公司權益資金成本與融資決策之影響 The influences of China’s Enterprise Income Tax Law reform in 2008 on listed companies’ cost of capital and financing policy |
Authors: | 黃盈綺 Huang,Ying Chi |
Contributors: | 盧聯生 戚務君 黃盈綺 Huang,Ying Chi |
Keywords: | 企業所得稅 權益資金成本 融資決策 Enterprise Income Tax Law cost of capital financing policy |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-05 14:29:14 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文探討中國2008年企業所得稅改革對上市企業權益資金成本與融資政策的影響。實證結果顯示,從權益資金成本來看,此項稅改不僅降低上市公司的權益資金成本,且其降低幅度與其有效稅率為正相關。就融資決策的影響而言,雖然所得稅改革降低企業的負債比率,但是這個現象則與企業的有效稅率無關。 This paper investigates how China’s Enterprise Income Tax Law reform in 2008 influences listed companies’ cost of capital and financing policy. The empirical results show that: for the cost of capital, the reform declines the listed companies’ cost of capital, and the degree of decline is positively correlated with their effective tax rate. For the financing policy, although the reform declines the listed companies’ debt ratio, this condition is unrelated with their effective tax rate. |
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