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Title: | 西部大開發政策後中國大陸西部地區地方政府效率之分析-兼論財政地方分權的角色 The local government efficiency in the western area of china after the implementation of the grand western development program |
Authors: | 呂暉鵬 Lu, Hui Peng |
Contributors: | 黃智聰 黃俞寧 Huang, Jr Tsung Huang, Yu Ning 呂暉鵬 Lu, Hui Peng |
Keywords: | 西部大開發 地方政府效率 財政地方分權 資料包絡分析法 Tobit迴歸模型 The Grand Western Development Program Local Government Efficiency Local Fiscal Decentralization DEA Tobit Model |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-05 14:19:54 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 中國大陸在近幾十年來的經濟成長舉世矚目,卻也造成了中國大陸東西部發展不平均的隱憂。有鑑於此,江澤民在1999 年的「中央扶貧開發會議」上首次提出了「西部大開發」戰略概念,期能縮小區域發展不均衡的差距。西部大開發預計進行50 年分三個階段進行,截至2010 年已經完成了第一階段。在這十年間,整個西部地區有著巨大的改變。 因此,本文的研究目的在於,利用大陸西部12 個省、市、地區自2000 至2010年的追蹤資料,再運用Tobit實証模型進行實證分析。其實證結果顯示,財政地方分權程度、人口密度、地區生產總值、地方政府規模以及地區開放程度等因素,對地方政府效率值之影響為正向;而財政地方分權程度之平方項與地方政府規模之平方項,則對地方政府效率具有負向影響,即財政地方分權與地方政府規模對於地方政府效率之影響可能呈現非單調性。 The economic growth of China has increased rapidly in recent several decades, but thisgrowth has resulted in the imbalance between the eastern and western region. According tothis situation, Zemin Jiang first proposed the “Grand Western Development Program” in the“central poverty alleviation and development conference” in 1999, hoping to reduce the imbalance in the regional development gap. After carrying out the Grand Western Development Program, the growth ranges of GDP per capita in some of regions have risen quickly. Therefore, the research purpose of this literature is to analyze the empirical estimation of the Tobit model with the panel data which include 12 provinces, cities, and regions in China western area from 2000 to 2010. The empirical results show that the degree of fiscal decentralization, the density of population, gross regional product, the scale of local government, and the degree of openness all have positive influences on the efficiency of local governments. However, the quadratic terms of the degree of fiscal decentralization and the scale of local government have negative influences on the efficiency of local governments. That is to say, the degree of fiscal decentralization and the scale of local government probably have non-monotonic effects on the efficiency of local governments. |
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