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    Title: 以資源為基礎探討我國精神障礙者會所經營管理之模式
    From the resources-based aspect to explore on the management model of clubhouse for mentally disabled persons
    Authors: 吳文正
    Wu Wen Cheng
    Contributors: 黃秉德
    Huang Ping Der
    Wu Wen Cheng
    Keywords: 會所
    International Center For Clubhouse Development(ICCD)
    In-Depth Interview
    Non-profit organization
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-05 14:06:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 會所為近年來我國新興之非營利組織,其基本性質應該屬於精神障礙障者病友自治團體,其發展係源自於美國活泉之家,目前我國全部僅有五所,但其中二所卻因故不得不嘎然結束原有之經營,殊為可惜。




    Clubhouse is an emerging non-profit organization in Taiwan in recent years. It is one kind of self-help group for mental handicaps and is originated from Fountain House in U.S.A. There have been 5 clubhouses set up with 2 of them resulting to an end because of certain causes. The outcome of this scenario is pitiful.

    The method of this thesis is qualitative and make in-depth interview with persons who materially manages in each clubhouse.

    The aims of this thesis are as follow:
    (1) Exploring how to sustain this clubhouse model which has built up in the way of charity.
    (2) Exploring the key success factors and the key failure factors in terms of resources, and proving these factors to other similar non-profit organizations for comparison.
    (3) Protecting and Promoting the rights and interests of mentally vulnerable population.
    (4) Providing a reference model for modern healthcare organizations which tend to be over-profiteering like companies.

    After exploring the model of management in terms of resources, the conclusions are made as follow:
    (1) Most of clubhouses in Taiwan are sponsored chiefly by government with more than 50%, in other words, relatively less from raising funds.
    (2) All clubhouses are closely interrelated with their affiliated organizations which set up them, however loosely and informally with other non-profit organizations.
    (3) All clubhouses in Taiwan have not yet used strategic tools such as BSC for management, probably due to still in early developmental stage with small scale.
    (4) All clubhouses in Taiwan have plans in the future to receive certification from ICCD in order to obtain resources, especially knowledge and skills, with promoting their own core competence.

    Addressing to implications of management, this thesis conclude several points as follow:
    (1) Decreasing the percent to be dependent to outside resources.
    (2) Developing new resources other than sponsorship from government.
    (3) Decreasing cost and increasing efficiency under establishment of performance indicators.
    (4) Getting qualified with a certification issued by ICCD.
    (5) Establishing an independent committee of review as an oversight mechanism.
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