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中文文獻 王丁棉,2010,進口奶粉國產奶粉影響分析,慧典市場研究報告網。 中投顧問,2010,2010-2015年中國奶粉市場投資分析及前景預測報告(上中下卷)。 林江,2009,嬰兒奶粉普漲:多品牌衝破300元行業毛利超40%,中新海南網。 邱志聖,2010,策略行銷分析-架構與實務應用, 台北:智勝文化。 袁高生,2010,影響父母購買嬰兒奶粉的幾種心理機制,豆丁網。 陳燈財,2008,中國大陸嬰幼兒奶粉廠商競爭策略與競爭優勢之研究,國立交通大學管理學院高階主管管理碩士論文。 陳秉璋,1985, 社會學理論。台北:三民。 張祥,2009,國產奶粉與洋奶粉的戰爭,臺灣搜網。 陳渝,2010,資本諸侯競逐中國乳業,中國行業咨詢網。 國際食品法典,1963,食品、食品生產及食品安全國際認可標準,聯合國糧農組織及世界衛生組織。 黃俊英,2007, 行銷學原理,台北:華泰文化。 彭作奎,1992,台灣嬰兒奶粉營養素含量與價格差異之研究,經濟半年刊,第51期,19-77頁。 楊東震、羅玨瑜/合譯,2006,服務業行銷管理,台北:雙葉。 楊進欣,2009﹐人工餵養存在風險,新華網。 歐睿國際(Euromonitor International),2010,嬰兒配方奶粉行業調查,上海:歐睿資訊咨詢。 國家統計局,2009,國家統計資料庫國民經濟綜合統計報表。 Y企業市調,2009,Y集團企劃部﹕廣東。
英文文獻 AC Nielsen, (2010). Status and prospect of Chinese infants formula milk powder market, Shanghai: Nielsen China Bagozzi, R. P., (1975). Marketing as Exchange, Journal of Marketing, 39:32-39 Blau, P. M., (1964). Exchange and Power in Social Life, New York: John Wiley and Sons. Blau, P. M., (May 1960). A Theory of Social Integration, The American Journal of Sociology, 15(6): p. 545 Emerson, R. M., (1972a). Exchange Theory, Part I: A Psychological Basis for Social Exchange, 2: pp.38-57 in Sociological Theories in Progress, edited by J. Berger, M.Zelditch Jr., and B. Anderson, Boston, MA:Houghton-Mifflin. Emerson, R. M., (1972b). Exchange Theory, Part II: Exchange Relations and Networks, 2: pp.58-87 in Sociological Theories in Progress, edited by J. Berger, M.Zelditch Jr., and B. Anderson, Boston, MA: Houghton-Mifflin. Engel, J. F., Kollat, D. T. & Blackwell, R.D.,(1968, 1984). Personality measures and market segmentation: Evidence favors interaction view, Business Horizon, 12 (3): pp 61-70 Gronroos C., (2006). On Defining Marketing: Finding a New Roadmap for Marketing, Marketing Theory, 6: pp. 395-417 Homans, G. C., (1958). Social Behavior as Exchange, The American Journal of Sociology, 63, pp. 597-606. Homans, G. C., (1961). Social Behavior: Its Elementary Forms, New York: Harcourt Brace and World. Howard, J. A. & Sheth, J. N. (1969). The Theory of Buyer Behavior, New York: John Wiley and Sons Kantar Worldpanel(2009). Key food market trends in China, The benchmark survey, Kantar Worldpanel Kotler,P., & Armstrong, G., (2007). Principles of marketing (12th ed.), US:Prentice Hall Lewis, E. E., (1898). AIDA funnel model in the US life insurance market. Ndonga, B.N.(2002). Peter Blau’s Conception of Social Exchange Theory : A Critique. The Eastem Africa Joumal of Humanities & Sciences, 1 (1). Skinner, B.F. (1938). The Behavior of Organisms: An Experimental Analysis, New York :D. Appleton-Century McCarthy, E. J. & Perreault, W. D., (1993). Basic Marketing. A Managerial Approach, 11th ed., Irwin: IL PCKids (2009), Survey of infant formula consumption in Beijing area, Pacific Ries A. (2000). Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind, New York: McGraw-Hill Stake, R. E., (1995). The Art of Case Study Research, CA: Sage WHO, (1981). International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes, Geneva, Switzerland WHO, (2005). Global strategy for infant and young child feeding. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization and UNICEF Williamson, O. E., (1979). Transaction-Cost Economics: The Governance of Contractual Relations, Journal of Law and Economics, 22( 2):pp. 233-261
英文文獻 AC Nielsen, (2010). Status and prospect of Chinese infants formula milk powder market, Shanghai: Nielsen China Bagozzi, R. P., (1975). Marketing as Exchange, Journal of Marketing, 39:32-39 Blau, P. M., (1964). Exchange and Power in Social Life, New York: John Wiley and Sons. Blau, P. M., (May 1960). A Theory of Social Integration, The American Journal of Sociology, 15(6): p. 545 Emerson, R. M., (1972a). Exchange Theory, Part I: A Psychological Basis for Social Exchange, 2: pp.38-57 in Sociological Theories in Progress, edited by J. Berger, M.Zelditch Jr., and B. Anderson, Boston, MA:Houghton-Mifflin. Emerson, R. M., (1972b). Exchange Theory, Part II: Exchange Relations and Networks, 2: pp.58-87 in Sociological Theories in Progress, edited by J. Berger, M.Zelditch Jr., and B. Anderson, Boston, MA: Houghton-Mifflin. Engel, J. F., Kollat, D. T. & Blackwell, R.D.,(1968, 1984). Personality measures and market segmentation: Evidence favors interaction view, Business Horizon, 12 (3): pp 61-70 Gronroos C., (2006). On Defining Marketing: Finding a New Roadmap for Marketing, Marketing Theory, 6: pp. 395-417 Homans, G. C., (1958). Social Behavior as Exchange, The American Journal of Sociology, 63, pp. 597-606. Homans, G. C., (1961). Social Behavior: Its Elementary Forms, New York: Harcourt Brace and World. Howard, J. A. & Sheth, J. N. (1969). The Theory of Buyer Behavior, New York: John Wiley and Sons Kantar Worldpanel(2009). Key food market trends in China, The benchmark survey, Kantar Worldpanel Kotler,P., & Armstrong, G., (2007). Principles of marketing (12th ed.), US:Prentice Hall Lewis, E. E., (1898). AIDA funnel model in the US life insurance market. Ndonga, B.N.(2002). Peter Blau’s Conception of Social Exchange Theory : A Critique. The Eastem Africa Joumal of Humanities & Sciences, 1 (1). Skinner, B.F. (1938). The Behavior of Organisms: An Experimental Analysis, New York :D. Appleton-Century McCarthy, E. J. & Perreault, W. D., (1993). Basic Marketing. A Managerial Approach, 11th ed., Irwin: IL PCKids (2009), Survey of infant formula consumption in Beijing area, Pacific Ries A. (2000). Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind, New York: McGraw-Hill Stake, R. E., (1995). The Art of Case Study Research, CA: Sage WHO, (1981). International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes, Geneva, Switzerland WHO, (2005). Global strategy for infant and young child feeding. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization and UNICEF Williamson, O. E., (1979). Transaction-Cost Economics: The Governance of Contractual Relations, Journal of Law and Economics, 22( 2):pp. 233-261 |