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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/60216

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    题名: 應用文件探勘技術於概念股股價共同移動之研究
    A study of using text mining on the co-movement of concept stock price
    作者: 吳振和
    Wu, Cheng Ho
    贡献者: 楊建民
    Wu, Cheng Ho
    关键词: 概念股
    日期: 2011
    上传时间: 2013-09-04 16:59:14 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 證券市場在台灣為相當熱門的投資標的,台灣屬於淺碟式市場,股市投資者以散戶居多,且資訊來源大多為報紙、電視、網路…等媒體,因此外界的訊息易於影響股價波動。近年來股票分類方式除了傳統的產業類別分類,衍生出了一種新的分類方式-概念股。概念股是某種被看好之產品或產業甚至政策相關個股的集合,概念下的股票通常具有相當大的話題性,因此會引發報章媒體的報導,引發投資者的關注。基於以上原因,可推論概念相關的報導會對概念相關個股的漲跌有一定影響。因此本研究以消息面的資訊作為基礎,並以文字探勘技術加以分析,以聚集出人們有興趣概念所相關之個股。
    In Taiwan stock market, most of investors are individual, as the result, the external information will affect the stock price. Concept stock is an aggregation of many stocks on a relative basis such as industry or particular product. It is usually makes the topic to mass media for report, therefore the investor will pay close attention to it. There are many websites offering digital news so we can obtain easily these from the Internet and analyze them. This paper proposes an method to find stocks that relate to the concept from the digital news.
    In this paper, we collected the news from Udndata, using the text mining technique to analyze these data and performing association analysis’s algorithm to find out the association rule between stocks and concept. Then, we use statistical test to test the co-movement pattern between these Concept Stocks to the Taiwan Stock Index. The result illustrate text mining technique is able to find the relation between stocks and concept and proofs the Concept Stocks have co-movement pattern.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098356012
    数据类型: thesis
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