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    題名: 應用文字探勘技術於臺灣上市公司重大訊息對股價影響之研究
    The study on impact of material information of public listed company to its stock price by using text mining approach
    作者: 吳漢瑞
    Wu, Han Ruei
    貢獻者: 楊建民
    Wu, Han Ruei
    關鍵詞: 重大訊息
    Material Information
    Text Mining
    kNN Algorithm
    日期: 2009
    上傳時間: 2013-09-04 16:59:03 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 台灣股票市場屬於淺碟型,因此外界的訊息易於影響股價波動;同時台灣是一個以個別投資人為主的散戶市場,外界的訊息會影響市場投資。因此,重大訊息的發布對公司股價變化的影響,值得我們進一步探討。
    In this study we used the technique of text mining to classify the material information of companies and analyze how the disclosure of it affects the market. Hence, we would be able to predict the price of stock based on disclosures of the material information and then use the outcome as reference of investment.
    This study chose the Market Observation Post System as the source of information to its justice. We chose UNI-PRESIDENT ENTERPRISES CORP, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd, EVA AIRWAYS CORPORATION and Taiwan Business Bank for their great evaluation of the information disclosure. We collected 1382 material information from 2005 to 2009 and for the better performance, we selected kNN algorithm as our rule of classification.
    We conducted three experiments in this study. In these experiments, we have approved that the trading volume of two periods were with significant differences. We have over 60% accuracy of the all data to classify the tested data. As a result, we found that the return rate of the “up” group has over 60% upside probability and the “down” group has over 60% downside probability.
    In this study, we built a time-saving automatic system to group material information and find out those that are valuable. Based on our result, we provided a reference to investors for their investment strategy. At the same time, we also came up with some inspiration for future research.
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    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098356011
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