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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/60202
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    Title: 影響國際快遞物流服務客戶喜好因素之研究-暨客戶服務決策支援系統概念設計
    Research into customer preferences factors in the field of global express logistics and conceptual design of customer service decision support system
    Authors: 鄭銀華
    Cheng, Yin Hua
    Contributors: 姜國輝
    Chiangm, Johannes
    Cheng, Yin Hua
    Keywords: 國際快遞物流
    Global Express Logistics
    Services Science
    Service Quality
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 16:56:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 產業的成熟與市場的飽和,使得產業的競爭變得愈來愈以成本和服務為導向,而激烈的市場競爭促使服務價格降低求存,以致物流業的服務素質及水準只能「將貨就價」,然而消費者意識的抬頭與服務科學的興起,使得服務品質的管理日益重要。因此,國際快遞物流企業要在提升服務及降低成本的驅動下,透過結合物流產業相關科技優勢與運用服務科學思維,找出顧客對產品及服務的喜好以增進服務效益,進而創新服務。
    本研究以層級分析法(AHP)之操作步驟,找出對映客戶需求的四個服務品質構面及衡量構面的十二個準則,在建立一顧客喜好因素架構後,訪談某國際快遞物流前四十大客戶,以Expert Choice的整體階層不一致性判斷值(Overall Inconsistency Index, O.I.I)進行效度檢驗,通過一致性之問卷為32份。研究分析結果發現影響國際快遞物流顧客的喜好之準則,其權重依序是「誠實值得信賴」、「容易使用」及「遞送速度」,構面則以反應性及關懷性最為客戶所重視,並且從驚喜性構面發現,客戶在意的是持續性的改進與穩定的提供服務,而不喜歡沒有系統的改變與創新。在統計分析中,客戶重視程度離散度較大的有「遞送速度」及「誠實值得信賴」兩準則,顯示有特別重視此兩項因素之樣本群,而某些喜好因素間具有中度相關之關聯。
    The maturity of industries and the saturation of markets make industrial competition more and more cost-oriented and service-oriented. To survive the keen market competition, the logistic industry has no choice but to reduce price, which leads to a lower level of service quality. With the uprising consumer awareness and service science, the management of service quality becomes more and more important.
    Driven by the need of higher service quality and lower cost, international logistic enterprises should combine relevant technical advantage and service science intellect to meet consumer demand, increase service efficiency, and innovate service.
    This research utilizes AHP method to create 4 service quality dimensions corresponding to customer demand and 12 criteria to measure these dimensions. After the establishment of customer preference framework, interview with 40 largest customer of a certain international logistic company and then examine the validity by the O.I.I. of Expert Choice. There are 32 questionnaires pass the consistency check.
    Analysis found that the weight of criteria which effect customer preference in sequence is “Integrity / trust worthiness”, “Easy to use”, and “speed of delivery”. As to dimensions, customers value “Respond” and “ Understand me” most. From the “Surprise” dimension we found customer need continuous improvement and steady service. Unsystematic changes and innovates are not preferred.
    In statistic analysis, “Speed of delivery” and “Integrity / trust worthiness” two dimensions have greater level of scatter on customer emphasis, which indicates there are some samples have special emphasis on these two factors and some factors have mid-level correlation. To practice the intellect and method of service science, this research combines the framework of factors that affect customer preference and decision support system.
    Concept designed by the 3 main part of a DSS : Database, Model base, and Dialog management, use IPA as the reference of service sequence improvement, and utilize QFD to bring in customer demand in the design and innovation of service. In addition, use weight and customer satisfaction as refer to understand international logistic service preference level and attitude toward programs. To bring more efficient and customer preference satisfied services.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096356031
    Data Type: thesis
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