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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/60197
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    Title: 校園社群網站滿意度之研究
    Online social network on campus: a satisfaction survey
    Authors: 黃健維
    Huang, Chien Wei
    Contributors: 裘錦天
    Huang, Chien Wei
    Keywords: 虛擬社群
    virtual community
    campus community
    social network
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 16:55:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 大學校園資訊服務一般是以教學、行政、服務等公務性為主,較缺乏針對學生校園生活之互動性功能,如社團訊息溝通、相簿共享等學生較喜愛之功能。本論文是以某大學所建置學生校園社群網站(http://dono.tw)進行個案研究並線上問卷調查,來評量校園社群網站的使用者滿意度、分析使用者滿意度與各構面關係、以及分析使用者滿意度與使用者基本資料關係。在本論文的滿意度分析中,本研究所提出的五個假設,有三個假設成立,分別為「會員間互動對於滿意度有正相關」、「網路結構對於滿意度有正相關」、「網路科技對於滿意度有正相關」。針對所研究之網站,本論文有下列管理性建議:要改變學生於網路的使用習慣及行為,是相當不容易。建議學校可由整合社群網站功能於學校的學術及行政運作體系或增加使用社群網站之誘因,來提升網站使用率。
    The information services of university campus are usually focused on public affairs such as teaching, administration, and services. And there is lack of interactive functions for student campus life such as the messages communication of campus clubs, the photos sharing, etc., those are the favorite functions of students.

    Based on the campus student community networks created by an university, this paper conducts a case study and making an online survey. It assesses the user’s satisfaction of the community networks, analyze the relationship between user’s satisfaction and each dimension, and analyze the relationship between the user’s satisfaction and user’s background data.

    In the satisfaction analysis, we proposed five hypotheses. There are three hypotheses are valid. They are :”It is positive correlation to satisfaction among the members’ interaction”, “It is positive correlation to satisfaction for web structure”, and “It is positive correlation to satisfaction for web technology”.

    For the research web, we have the following managerial suggestions: It is not easy to change the custom and behavior of students on network. To improve the utilization rate, we suggest that the university can integrate the community network functions into the academic and administrative affairs system, or to make some incentives to use the community network.


    Virtual Community, Campus Community, Community Web, Web 2.0
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095356005
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