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    Title: 以本體論為基礎的中文成語練習系統之研究
    A study on the ontology-based Chinese idiom practice system
    Authors: 李瑄
    Li, Hsuan
    Contributors: 楊亨利
    Yang, Heng Li
    Li, Hsuan
    Keywords: 成語教學
    Chinese Idiom Instruction
    Computer Assisted Language Learning
    Chinese/Mandarin Education
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 16:54:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   成語的使用有助高層次的語文認知學習和應用,無論在閱讀與寫作各方面都是重要的基礎訓練,然而目前台灣大部份的成語教學、學習平台或軟體多數提供靜態的資料查詢或教學資源,缺少以學生練習為主的環境。


    Using idioms would benefit a higher level of language perception, learning and application. It is also a kind of important but basic training in both reading and writing. However, presently, most platforms or software of Chinese idiom teaching and learning only offer static data inquiry or teaching resources, lack the environment of relying mainly on the fact that students practice.

    The purpose of this research is to develop the “ontology-based Chinese idiom practice system”. At first, we probed into the meta-data of Chinese idioms from any kind of studies and references to building and forming the ontology of the Chinese idiom, and summed up the wrong sentence with Chinese idioms to analyze the reasons of missing to design the feasible diagnosis mechanism of the computer. And then, we used above-mentioned ideas to develop the ontology-based Chinese idiom practice system. The system can offer the on-line teaching material of Chinese idioms, can automatically produce true-false, multiple-choice, and matching questions to examine, can offer a platform that users can actually practice sentence-making with Chinese idioms under a provided situation utilizing situational words and idioms. The system can also judge question sheet result or diagnose user-making sentences to be reasonable and can give feedback aiming at the blind spot immediately. This research can break through the restriction that the questions of existing on-line testing of Chinese idioms are always selected from the setting up question bank and can offer the situational environment that uses idioms to make sentences.

    Using quasi-experimental design, one class was assigned to experimental group using the system of this research assisted learning and the other class, the control group, using traditional teaching method. Related results demonstrated the performance of the experimental group was higher than the control group, especially it made better effect to the students of middle and low abilities in the experimental group. In making actual sentences with Chinese idiom, the number of correctness of Chinese idiom grammar and meaning using of the experimental group was higher than the control group. The students of the experimental group thought the system of this research is apt to use and useful, and feel satisfied. In addition, the teachers using the system actually thought the system of this research is practicable when the students study Chinese idiom by themselves.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094356013
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