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Title: | 運用自律學習機制提升閱讀標註學習成效研究 A study on applying self-regulated learning mechanism for promoting learning performance of reading annotation |
Authors: | 陳炎漳 |
Contributors: | 陳志銘 陳炎漳 |
Keywords: | 自律學習 數位閱讀 閱讀標註 閱讀學習成效 self-regulated learning digital reading reading annotation learning effects of reading |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-04 16:44:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 有鑑於數位閱讀已逐漸成為閱讀發展的新趨勢,許多研究著手於發展相關的閱讀系統或設備來輔助學習者進行閱讀學習。此外,如何幫助學生在進行英文閱讀學習時,增加對於文章的理解,已經成為很重要的研究課題。而基於網路學習環境進行數位閱讀學習時,學習者常常需要進行自主學習,因此學習者個人的自律學習能力成為影響數位閱讀學習成效的關鍵因素。本研究旨在探討運用具自律學習機制的閱讀標註系統是否具有提升國中英語閱讀學習成效的效益,研究採用準實驗研究法,以桃園縣某國中七年級二班的學生,分成實驗組與控制組,實驗組與控制組分別以「具自律學習機制的閱讀標註系統學習」及「不具自律學習機制的閱讀標註系統學習」進行英語閱讀學習,經過實驗處理後,接受「閱讀測驗後測」,以比較兩組學生在閱讀學習成效上的差異性,輔之以問卷調查實驗組學生對課程活動的態度看法,並以訪談作質性資料分析。最後,根據研究結果提出具體建議,以提供未來研究與教師在運用具自律學習機制之數位閱讀標註系統融入閱讀教學時之參考。本研究得到的研究結論如下: 一、 實驗組學習者採用具自律學習機制之數位閱讀標註系統,其英語閱讀學習成效顯著優於採用不具自律學習機制之數位閱讀標註系統的控制組學習者。 二、 實驗組學習者採用具自律學習機制之數位閱讀標註系統,其閱讀標註能力顯著優於採用不具自律學習機制之數位閱讀標註系統的控制組學習者。 三、 實驗組學習者中不同自律能力學習者其閱讀學習成效具有顯著差異。 四、 實驗組學習者中不同自律能力學習者其閱讀標註能力具有顯著差異。 五、 實驗組學習者中閱讀學習成效與閱讀標註能力有顯著相關且自律能力與學習成效呈現正相關
關鍵字:自律學習、數位閱讀、閱讀標註、閱讀學習成效 In the consideration of that digital reading has become a new trend of reading development; many studies were conducted to develop related reading systems or equipments to assist learners on learning of reading. Moreover, how to help students improve comprehension while reading English is an important topic for research. Based on the characteristics of digital reading in the e-learning environment, in which learners often need self-regulated learning, the ability of self-regulated learning has become a key factor that affects the learning effects of reading. The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether the application of reading annotation system with self-regulated learning could increase the learning effects of English reading for junior high school students. The present study adopted quasi-experimental design method and the subjects were two classes of seventh graders in a junior high school in Taoyuan County. There were divided into experimental group and control group to learn English through reading, and were instructed respectively with “reading annotation system learning with self-regulated learning” and “reading annotation system learning without self-regulated learning.” After the experiment, “reading post-test” was conducted to compare the learning effects of reading for these two groups of students. Students in the experimental group were also surveyed by questionnaires and interviewed for qualitative data analysis. Finally, the researcher made suggestions according to the research results as references for future studies and for teachers who want to apply reading annotation system with self-regulated learning to reading instruction. The results of the present study were as the following: 1. The learning effects of English reading for learners in the experimental group with self-regulated reading annotation system were significantly greater than those who were in the control group without self-regulated reading annotation system. 2. The ability of reading annotation of the learners in the experimental group with self-regulated reading annotation system were significantly greater than those who were in the control group without self-regulated reading annotation system. 3. There were significant differences among the learning effects of reading for learners in the experimental group with different ability of self-regulated learning. 4. There were significant differences among the ability of reading annotation for learners in the experimental group with different ability of self-regulated learning. 5. For the learners in the experimental group, the learning effects of reading were significantly related to the ability of reading annotation; the ability of self-regulated learning was positively correlated with learning effects. Keywords: self-regulated learning, digital reading, reading annotation, learning effects of reading |
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