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    Title: 網路學習社群經營機制對於提昇教師 教學關注之研究 -以桃園縣e化學習平台閱讀策略課程為例
    Web-based learning with the support of community mechanisms for promoting teachers’ instruction concern – a case study on reading strategy course of e-learning platform of taoyuan county
    Authors: 徐瑞敏
    Hsu, Juei Min
    Contributors: 陳志銘
    Chen, Chih Ming
    Hsu, Juei Min
    Keywords: 教師網路學習社群
    web-based learning community for teachers
    operational mechanism of online community
    teacher`s instruction concern
    teaching professional development
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 16:43:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在社會變遷的衝擊下,提升教師專業具有迫切性與必要性;目前教師的在職訓練、專業發展方式及實施途徑面臨許多限制,而網路學習具有通訊成本低及不受時空限制的特性,開啓了教師進修的新契機。
    Under the impact of social changes, it is urgent and necessary to enhance the capabilities of teaching professional to cope with this constantly changing environment. To date, the approaches of in-service training and professional development for teachers and their implementations face with many restrictions. While web-based learning has the features of low communication costs and without the constraints of time and space, it offers teacher a new opportunity to pursue further educations.
      The subjects of this study are recruited from primary and secondary school teachers who participated in the program of "Reading Strategy Instruction Course" provided by Taoyuan County e-learning Platform. The objective is to establish operational mechanisms of online community that encourage the willingness of the members of teacher`s community to participate in interactive discussions, and promote the level of teacher`s instruction concern. Ultimately, the purpose of this study is to build up a teaching professional development model that utilizes the functions of web-based learning community to enhance the performances of the teachers who participated in the web-based learning, and set up the principles for future successful implementation.
      To achieve the research purposes, this study first conducted literature analysis to collect and collate relevant information as a basis for researching and developing the design of questionnaires. The experimental teaching courses were designed for empirical observations and researches. In order to promote interactions and discussions among members, the courses were divided and carried out in three phases, including recommendation mechanism, incentive mechanism, and expert guidance mechanism of online community. And at the end of each phase, a "Questionnaire for the Level of Teachers’ Reading Strategy Instruction Concern" was administered to investigate and to present the different levels of the web community teachers` concern towards reading strategy instruction at different phases. Furthermore, two issues were explored in the study, namely, how the different background variables affect the teacher`s instruction concern levels, and the changes in concern level of the contents by interactive dialogue among community members. At the end of the Course, the questionnaire of "Web Learning Satisfaction" was implemented, in order to examine the attained scores of the three operational mechanisms and the correlations between the scores and the teacher`s levels of instruction concern of Reading Strategy. Finally, about six months after the end of course, the questionnaire of "Reading Instruction Survey" was sent by e-mail to the community members to track the implementation status of Reading Strategy Instruction, the difficulties, and to track and understand the benefits to teaching from participating in online courses.
      The conclusions of quantitative and qualitative analyses of the information collected in this study are summarized in the following points:
    First, in this study, the proposed three-phase implementation of the operating mechanisms of the web community programs can boost effectively the teachers` instruction concern of reading strategy.
    Second, the differences of instruction concern towards reading strategy among the community members from different background are not significant.
    Third, the web community operational mechanisms are significantly correlated with promoting the levels of teachers` instruction concern.
    Fourth, community members benefit from the three-phase community operational mechanisms proposed by this study, in terms of effectively and warmly promoting two-way dialogue, improving the concern level towards the content of interactive discussions, and some parts of concern level presenting significant upward changes.
    Fifth, community members were generally satisfied with the web operational mechanisms proposed in this study, showing the three-phase operational mechanisms of learning community are useful to the professional development of teachers.
    Sixth, the web programs based on the operations of learning community can really enhance the teachers` professional knowledge and ability of teaching, promote the teachers` concern of professional practice, and benefit students` effective learning.
    Finally, according to the findings of the research, the specific operational mechanisms of web community, course delivery team, and educational unit are recommended, and the directions for future study are proposed.
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