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Title: | 遊戲互動式擴增實境支援國小圖書館利用教育之研究 The Study of the Game-based Interactive Learning with Augmented Reality that Enhances Elementary School Library User Education |
Authors: | 蔡雁農 Tsai, Yen-Nung |
Contributors: | 陳志銘 Chen, Chih-Ming 蔡雁農 Tsai, Yen-Nung |
Keywords: | 擴增實境 圖書館利用教育 遊戲式學習 國小圖書館 認知風格 Augmented Reality Library User Education Game-based Learning Elementary School Library Cognitive Style |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-04 16:40:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 長期以來,國小圖書館受限於經費及人力的不足,使得其功能無法充分發揮,有些學校圖書館甚至沒有規劃圖書館利用教育的課程,學生雖可到圖書館中自由閱讀,但若不具備找尋圖書的能力,常會因而無法找到自己有興趣的書籍而在廣大的書海中迷失,使圖書館的功能逐漸喪失,因此如何藉由圖書館利用教育課程教導學生找尋書本的能力也就越顯重要。 隨著電腦科技日益發達,學習教材和學習方式也變得多元化,近年來利用遊戲方式進行學習的研究有愈來愈多的趨勢,學者認為若能將遊戲融合教學,將能達到寓教於樂的教學目標。本研究透過實際開發遊戲系統的方式,嘗試以情境學習理論為發展基礎,將擴增實境互動技術應用到圖書館的學習環境上,透過「遊戲互動擴增實境圖書館利用教育學習系統」的建置,來發展創新的圖書館利用教育學習模式,並藉此系統的發展來支援國小圖書館利用教育的實施。 實驗結果顯示利用「遊戲互動擴增實境圖書館利用教育系統」進行學習,各方面成績皆有顯著的進步,且學習成效可排除授課者個人因素之影響,具有穩定的教學品質。另外,本研究所發展的系統,對於高、低分群和場地相依的學習者來說,使用本系統進行學習,其學習成效在「應用型題目」上明顯優於傳統圖書館利用教育,並且可以加強學習者學習動機。除此之外,使用本系統之教學成效不會受到個人使用電腦的熟悉度所影響,因此未來在發展和推廣本系統的同時,不需要考慮學生是否具備良好之基本電腦使用能力。 Due to the limited budgets and human resources, most libraries in the elementary schools of Taiwan have been unable fully functioned and utilized as its role should be in school organization. Some schools do not plan and provide library utilization education for children. Although students can go to libraries enjoying readings, they are not well trained for search library collection and resources. As a result, they are usually unable to find the books they are interested and easily getting lost in enormous information environment. This study proposes the importance of library usage training as a significant program in elementary school; promoting students’ abilities of finding books they need both for school works and personal interests. With the advance in computer technology, the learning materials and learning methods have become diversified in recent years. In particular, the instruction method of game-based learning has drawn much attention in education research. Many education researchers and scholars think the integration of teaching and games will promotes students’ performances while the learning activities are also functioned as entertaining process. This study attempts to develop educational gaming system on the basis of situated learning theory, adopting the innovative augmented reality interactive technology on the library`s learning environment. This study hopes students’ library knowledge of library usages could be promoted through the "Interactive Augmented Reality Games Library Education Learning System." Moreover, the study could develop innovative learning model for elementary schools in library usages as well as to support future implementation programs for elementary library usage education. Experimental results show that students have significant improvement on learning performance after using "Interactive Augmented Reality Games Library Education Learning System." The assessment also showed improvement based on the exclusion of personal factors from teachers. In addition, this system promotes better learning performance and motivation for learners of high and Low graded groups as well as the field-dependent learners in the “application questions” tasks. Moreover, the education effectiveness of this system will not be affected by personal factors such as familiarity on computers skills. Therefore, there would be less consideration on students’ computer skills needed for future adoption on this system in library usage programs. |
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