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Title: | 尋找夢幻玻璃鞋:網路流行女鞋品牌網站服務品質與顧客知覺價值研究─以流行女鞋品牌Grace gift為例 A research of the relationship among website Service Quality of on-line fashion ladies’ shoes brand and customer Perceived Value |
Authors: | 蘇靖婷 Su, Ching Ting |
Contributors: | 祝鳳岡 蘇靖婷 Su, Ching Ting |
Keywords: | 線上購物 服務品質 知覺價值 顧客滿意度 顧客忠誠度 online shopping service quality perceived value customer satisfaction customer loyalty |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-04 16:29:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 根據資策會產業情報研究所與行政院之調查,台灣線上購物市場近年來以每年20%~30%的成長率持續穩健的發展著,2011年年度總產值預計可達2.515億元,至2015年則可望突破新台幣一兆元。而無論網路購物(B2C)或是網路拍賣(C2C)市場,女性消費者都已躍升為最重要的消費主力,其中,又以「流行女裝」、「美容保養」、「流行女鞋」為產值最高之前三大商品類別。 本研究基於研究興趣與相關文獻資料回顧結果,選擇網路流行女鞋品牌Grace gift作為研究主題,並透過「服務品質」、「知覺價值」、「顧客滿意度」,以及「顧客忠誠度」等四個變項,探討其經營內涵;進一步檢視四個變項之間的影響關係,並深入探究顧客對於Grace gift的觀感與評價。
本研究透過量化網路問卷以及質化深度訪談兩種方式進行資料蒐集與調查,研究結果顯示,網路流行女鞋品牌Grace gift之服務品質、知覺價值對於顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度確實有顯著正向的影響,且相較於服務品質,知覺價值對於顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度具有更強大的影響力。然而,顧客對於品牌所提供的商品與服務雖然普遍感到滿意,但忠誠度仍嫌不足,因此,本研究根據問卷統計分析與訪談結果,提出以下行銷策略建議以供業者及其他網路品牌作為參考與借鏡。
一、強化網頁間的連結度,使商品、服務、推廣三位一體 二、通路差異化經營,建議善用官方網站彰顯品牌形象與精神 三、推出特殊節日限定紀念款塑造品牌特色 四、透過大型團購集殺活動吸引新顧客;藉由季末酬賓感恩活動維繫舊顧客 五、舉辦公關及公益活動與社會大眾建立關係,正面提升品牌形象 According to the survey by Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute(MIC) and the Executive Yuan, Taiwan`s online shopping market in recent years keeps developing with the steady growth rate of 20% to 30%. The annual output value of 2011 is expected to reach 251.5 million NT dollars and till 2015 which will exceed NT $ 1 trillion.
Nowadays no matter in B2C or C2C market, female consumers have jumped to the most important main position of consumption and become to the most valuable clients. So this research bases on researcher’s personal interest and the results of past related references, selects the most popular online ladies’ fashion shoes brand “Grace gift” as the theme. By using both quantitative and qualitative research methods, this research tries to explore the connotation of its business management through the four variables including “service quality”, “perceived value", "customer satisfaction" and "customer loyalty” and further examines the relationship among these variables.
After analyzing the data of online questionnaires and qualitative interviews with customers, the research result shows that the significant and positive impacting relationship deed exist between service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. And compared to service quality, perceived value takes a more obvious, positive and powerful influence in shaping customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.
Finally, this research provides 5 marketing strategy recommendations as blow: 1.Strengthen the links between the webpages and make the products, services, and promotion to be the trinity. 2.Create difference of management in the two selling channels and use the official website to highlight the brand image and spirit. 3.Provide unique design shoes for special holiday and anniversary to build brand characteristics. 4.Hold large-scale group-buying events to attract new customers and maintain the old customers through thanksgiving activities. 5.Organize PR events and public charity activities to build relationship with the community and positively enhance the brand image. |
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