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Title: | 蘋果咬一口:科技產品行銷通路之服務創新與體驗行銷策略研究 A bitten apple –The research of service innovation and experiential marketing in dealers of technology products |
Authors: | 郭家伶 Kuo, Chia Ling |
Contributors: | 祝鳳岡 郭家伶 Kuo, Chia Ling |
Keywords: | 台灣蘋果優質經銷商 服務創新 蘋果公司 顧客忠誠度 顧客滿意度 體驗行銷 Apple Premium Reseller Service Innovation Apple Inc. Customer Loyalty Customer Satisfaction Degree Experiential Marketing |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-04 16:16:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2001年,消聲已久的蘋果公司推出iPod,改寫了音樂產業的風貌,造成全球搶購的熱潮,自此之後,蘋果公司陸續推出許多產品,在全世界屢獲好評,在台灣亦如是。然而,台灣目前沒有Apple Store,因此欲於實體店面購買蘋果產品的消費者,會至蘋果在台的各大經銷商購買,而目前在台灣有四大優質經銷商,分別是Youth、德誼、Studio A和i Store,此四家的業績近乎佔盡台灣蘋果銷售市場。因此,本研究以蘋果公司最重要的兩項元素「服務創新」及「體驗行銷」作為本研究內涵,以此檢視台灣蘋果四大優質經銷商在「顧客滿意度」與「顧客忠誠度」上是否獲得消費者的認同。
本研究以調查法為主,於2011年4月9日至2011年5月7日間透過網路平台發放問卷,總計填答者471位,剔除無效問卷31份,有效問卷共440份,有效回收率為93.4 %,並以深度訪談為輔,訪問台灣蘋果四大優質經銷商於台北旗艦店之店經理與副店經理。
透過量化與質化的研究結果可得以下四大結論,第一,服務場景與流程創新是讓消費者辨別經銷商之關鍵;其二,消費者感受到的五感體驗將烙印於消費者心中;其三,顧客滿意度由服務創新與體驗行銷共同決定;最後,顧客忠誠度的表現是為企業獲利指標。另外,透過本研究長期觀察與實證結果,提出下列幾點建議予台灣蘋果公司參考:爭取優先上市權、舉辦活動並增加露出、播送電視廣告、提高服務品質、遵守蘋果總公司服務條款、建立專門蒐集消費者意見之管道。 In 2001, the Apple Inc. which had been quiet for a long time announced their product – iPod, and soon rewrote the style of global music industry. The representing product – iPod also raised up shopping rush all over the world. Henceforward, Apple Inc. brought lots of products and became popular around the world, so did Taiwan. Even though, Apple Inc. didn’t institute any Apple Stores in Taiwan, the only way to buy Apple’s products personally is to visit dealers which acquire authorization. In addition, there are four APRs (Apple Premium Reseller) in Taiwan, include Youth, Dataexpress, Studio A, and istore, they also hold overwhelming majority of Apple products selling in Taiwan. As a result, this research is based on service innovation and experiential marketing that two factors the Apple Inc. emphasize most, and examine whether those four APRs had obtain identification from consumers in customer satisfaction degree and customer loyalty or not.
This research used survey procedure to gather feedbacks from consumers during 9th April to 7th May in 2011 by uploading internet survey platform. There were 471 answer sheets on the platform above, 31 of them were invalid and 440 were valid, achieve the scale at 93.4%. We also used depth interview and had interviews with shop managers and vice-shop managers of those four APRs.
Combining the two dimensions, this research had four main conclusions. First, Services cape and Procedures innovations are key points for consumers to recognize resellers. Second, five source of sense experience that consumers truly experience will make deep impressions in their mind. Third, customer satisfaction degree depends on service innovation and experiential marketing. The last but not least, the certain appearance of customer loyalty is as the index of company’s profit. According to long term observation and the conclusions of empirical research, we recommend few suggestions for the branch in Taiwan of Apple Inc. as follow. First, try to fight for the position of debut product, try to hold more selling activities and increase exposure, try to broadcast more TV commercials, try to raise service quality, try to obey service principles and guidelines established by Apple Inc., and try to set up a special channel to collect opinions from consumers. |
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