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Title: | 臺北市立南湖高中學校建築用後評估之研究 A case study of school building post-occupancy evaluation for Taipei municipal Nanhu high school |
Authors: | 戴國禎 |
Contributors: | 湯志民 戴國禎 |
Keywords: | 學校建築 用後評估 南湖高中 School building Post-occupancy Evaluation Nanhu High School |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-04 16:06:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 學校建築佔用最大宗的教育經費與投資,故實施學校建築用後評估,至為重要。台北市尚未有高中對學校建築進行全面用後評估,因此本研究選擇以南湖高中學校建築用後評估為主題。 本研究之目的包含:探討學校建築整體規劃與用後評估之理念與範疇;探究臺北市立南湖高中學校建築整體規劃的理念與過程;研析其學校建築新建完成後的使用情形與使用者的滿意程度;最後提出用後評估的建議,以作為日後改進之參考依據。 本研究使用的研究方法包括文件分析、訪談、調查、觀察等四種方法。以文件分析明瞭南湖高中學校建築之規劃理念。觀察校園內7處定點,訪談南湖高中校長、秘書、主任、教師等7人,以明瞭學校建築使用的情況。問卷調查學生113人,以描述統計、t考驗、F考驗等方法,比較學生在不同性別與不同年級間對學校建築滿意度的差異。 所得研究結論如下:南湖高中學校建築整體規劃的理念以整體性、教育性、舒適性與前瞻性為主。各項設施空間使用情形良好,符合規劃機能與預期效果。教師對壯觀的造型、齊備的教學空間與設施、多樣的活動空間與動靜分明的區分、流暢的動線等項目,尤感滿意。學生對教學空間的大小與使用滿意度最高,性別之間滿意度差異小,各項空間的使用滿意度一、二年級分別高於三年級。師生對使用現況的建議多屬修繕維護與使用行為事項。 本研究依據研究結論,提出建議如下:應推動學校建築用後評估;重視規劃之整體性、教育性、舒適性、與前瞻性;加強部分設施的管理與維護;發展圖書館為教學資源中心;鼓勵教師更充分使用優良的教學設施。以及對後續研究的建議等。 The purpose of this research is to explore the notions of the total school building planning and the Post-occupancy Evaluation. Illustrated by Taipei Municipal Nanhu High school, the research has inquired into Nanhu High School’s concepts of total school building planning, the space usage condition and user satisfactory. The goal is to propose suggestions for the future use and the improvement. This research is conducted through document analysis, focus interviews, student questionnaire, and campus observation. The conclusions this research has reached and suggestions provided are as follows: (1) ‘The wholeness’, ‘educational’, ‘the comfortableness’ and ‘the foresightedness’ are the main concepts of the total school building planning of Nanhu High School. (2) Each facility and space are well-utilized, conforming to the purpose of design and reaching the planned efficiency. (3) The teachers are significantly satisfied by the spectacular exterior, all-ready teaching spaces plus facilities, various activity spaces, the clear division of mobility and immobility, and the efficient routes. (4) The students are the most satisfied by the size and the usage of the learning space. There is little difference in the satisfactory by gender. The freshmen and the juniors (Year Ten and Year Eleven) reach higher satisfactory of the space usage than the seniors (Year Twelve) in every item. (5) Most of the suggestions from the teachers and the students are about the maintenance and user behaviors. Ultimately, this research, based on the findings and conclusions of the study, proposes following suggestions: (1) It is advised and encouraged to apply Post-occupancy Evaluation. (2) The school building planning should value the wholeness, the educational-ness, the comfortableness and the foresightedness. (3) School should enhance the management and maintenance of certain facilities. (4) School library should develop into the teaching and learning resource centre. (5) Teachers are encouraged to proficiently utilize school’s high quality facilities. |
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