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Title: | 國民小學校長競值領導行為與教師組織承諾關係之研究 A study of the relationship between principals’ competing values leadership behavior and teachers’ organizational commitment in elementary schools. |
Authors: | 卓家意 Cho, Chia Yi |
Contributors: | 林邦傑 卓家意 Cho, Chia Yi |
Keywords: | 校長競值領導行為 教師組織承諾 principals’ competing values leadership behavior teachers’ organizational commitment |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-04 16:06:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討國民小學校長競值領導行為與教師組織承諾之關係。研究採用調查研究法,以臺灣北部區域之公立國民小學教師為對象,總共發出1043份問卷,問卷回收率為85.91%,有效問卷回收率則為81.30%。正式問卷回收之後,分別以百分等級、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、卡方考驗、皮爾森積差相關分析、迴歸分析等統計方式對回收資料進行分析。 本研究獲得以下十項結論: 一、國民小學校長競值領導行為較著重「競爭行為」層面,且以「均衡領導型」比例最高。 二、國民小學教師組織承諾以「努力意願」層面表現最佳。 三、男校長在校長競值領導行為之合作行為層面有較佳表現,年輕校長在校長競值領導行為各層面有較佳表現。 四、小型規模、偏遠地區的校長在校長競值領導行為各層面均有較佳表現。 五、年齡大的校長在均衡領導型的比例較低且在平庸領導型的比例較高。 六、小型規模、偏遠地區的校長在均衡領導型的比例較高且在平庸領導型的比例較低。 七、年齡大、資深及教師兼主任的教師組織承諾較高,小型規模及偏遠地區學校的教師組織承諾亦較高。 八、校長競值領導行為以「均衡領導型」在教師組織承諾的表現最佳,「不均衡領導型」次之,「平庸領導型」最不理想。 九、校長領導競值行為與教師組織承諾具有正向關連,校長競值領導行為表現愈好,則教師組織承諾愈高。 十、國小校長採行競值領導行為有助於教師組織承諾之提升,其中僅「合作行為」與「競爭行為」兩個領導行為層面具有顯著預測力,競值領導理論之「均衡觀點」宜適度修正。 根據研究結論提出下列建議: 一、對教育行政機關之建議 (一)校長職前與在職訓練,宜融入競值領導相關課程。 (二)適度控制學校經濟規模,以利於教師組織承諾之維持。 二、對國小校長之建議 (一)校長應加強領導行為之複雜性,以增進領導效能。 (二)校長要不斷吸取新知與積極進修,以強化專業智能與教育熱忱。 (三)校長宜多關懷年輕、資淺及未兼行政職務之教師,以協助其生涯發展。 (四)校長須展現兼容並蓄的領導作風,同時採取競爭行為與合作行為,以提升教師組織承諾。 三、對未來研究之建議 (一)研究對象可擴大至國中、高中等不同層級學校,乃至私立學校。 (二)研究變項可加入其他可能影響教師組織承諾的變項。 (三)研究方法可酌加使用質化方式之訪談,並在橫斷性研究的基礎上,兼採縱貫性研究,蒐集相關資料。 (四)競值領導理論架構需要國內更多實證研究去驗證其在本國教育環境的適用性與可行性。 The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between principals’ competing values leadership behavior and teachers’ organizational commitment in elementary schools. The reasearch method this study adopted is survey reasearch. Data were collected from 1043 teachers of elementary schools in northern parts of Taiwan. The response rates were 85.91%; the usable rates were 81.30%. The collected data were analyzed by using the statistical methods of percentile rank, t-test, one-way ANOVA, χ2 test, Pearson product-moment correlation and regression analysis. The conclusions of this study are: 1.Among all of the dimensions of principals’ competing values leadership behavior, “Compete” is the dominant in the elementary schools. And “Balanced Style” ranks the highest. 2.Among all of the dimensions of teachers’ organizational commitment, “Effort Intention” is the dominant in the elementary schools. 3.Male principals have better performances in “Collaborate”. Young principals have better performances among all of the dimensions of principals’ competing values leadership behavior. 4.Principals in small-sized schools and in remote area schools have better performances among all of the dimensions of principals’ competing values leadership behavior. 5.Among competing values leadership behavior of elder principals, “Balanced Style” ranks lower and “Mediocre Style”ranks higher. 6.Among competing values leadership behavior of principals in small-sized schools and in remote area schools, “Balanced Style” ranks higer and “Mediocre Style”ranks lower. 7.Elder, senior teachers and directors in schools have higher organizational commitment; teachers in small-sized schools and in remote area schools also have higher organizational commitment. 8.Underneath principals’ competing values leadership behavior , Teachers have the best organizational commitment toward “Balanced Style”, the next-best organizational commitment toward “Unbalanced Style” and the worst organizational commitment toward “Mediocre Style”. 9.There is a positive relationship between principals’ competing values leadership behavior and teachers’ organizational commitment. Principals with better leadership performances tend to enhance teachers’ organizational commitment. 10.Principals ’ competing values leadership behavior promote teachers’ organizational commitment. Among all of the dimensions of principals’ competing values leadership behavior, “Collaborate” and “Compete” have significant predictabilty, “Balanced Perspective” could be modified. Based on the findings, the study offers suggestions for the education authorities, the principals of elementary schools, and the future researchers, hoping to shed light on the development of elementary school education in the future. |
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