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Title: | 九年級學生如何處理直線型位置-時間圖之研究 A study of 9th grade students’ comprehension of the linear position-time graph |
Authors: | 高抬主 |
Contributors: | 譚克平 宋傳欽 高抬主 |
Keywords: | 直線型 位置–時間圖 斜率 截距 linear position-time graph slope intercept |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-04 15:15:12 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究的目的在於了解九年級國中學生在處理直線型的位置–時間圖形 時,是否可真實操作物體的運動狀態,及了解圖形中所隱含的數學概念。 本研究將位置–時間圖設計成十張工具圖形作為研究工具,隨機抽取十二 名國中九年級學生,男女各六位,透過半結構性晤談,以蒐集個案在處理直線 型的位置–時間圖時,是否可操作物體的真實運動狀態,以及能否掌握圖形中 所隱含的數學概念逐一作深入的探討,再以質化的方式分析及統整所蒐集的資 料,得到的結論如下: 一、學生數學的斜率、截距能力不足,以致影響位置–時間圖的學習。 二、學生圖形表徵的理解薄弱,以致於無法應用數學能力及解釋真實現象。 根據本研究的結果,可提出下列建議: 一、數學教學應加強與科學領域之連結 二、數學教學應著重抽象符號與真實情境之連結 三、科學教學應輔導學生建立新舊知識之遷移 四、數學教學應善用多元教學資源,以協助學生進行多元智慧之學習 在未來的研究方向,可考慮不同的研究對象、題目型態或是繼續擴大研究 至速度–時間圖、加速度–時間圖,加強科學與數學的知識理論應用於生活中。 The purpose of this study is to understand whether 9th grade students can actually manipulate the states of motion of objects and understand the concepts of mathematics embedded in the graphs when they are dealing with the linear position— time graphs. Ten tool graphs were designed based on the position-time graph as the research tools in this study. Twelve 9th grade students, 6 males and 6 females, were chosen randomly. Through doing semi-structured interviews, the researcher collected the data and deeply explored whether participants could manipulate the states of motion of objects and comprehend the mathematical concepts embedded in the graphs when they were dealing with the linear position time graphs. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively and organized. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The students’ capability of slope and intercept in mathematics is insufficient, and it influences their learning of the position-time graphs. 2. Students only have little understanding of the presentation of the graphs. Thus, they cannot apply mathematical abilities or interpret real phenomena. Following suggestions are provided according to the conclusions in this study: 1. Mathematical teaching should be emphasized on the connection with the science domain. 2. Mathematical teaching should highlight the connection between abstract symbols and real situations 3. Science teaching should guide the students to transfer the new knowledge to the learned knowledge. 4. Multiple teaching resources should be used properly to help students proceed to learn multiple intelligences. The direction of further studies can aim at different participants, different patterns of questions or expanding the study on speed-time graphs and acceleration-time graphs to apply the knowledge and theories of science and mathematics in life. |
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