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    Title: 台灣與中國國中數學教科書之內容分析研究
    The content analysis of junior high mathematics textbooks in Taiwan and China
    Authors: 謝佩珍
    Contributors: 譚克平

    Keywords: 中國
    mathematics textbook
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 15:14:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 迎接21世紀的來臨與世界各國之教改脈動,自1997年起,台灣政府致力教育改革,以期提升國民素質及國家競爭力。因此,教育部依據行政院核定之「教育改革行動方案」,進行國民教育階段課程與教學改革。隨著「九年一貫課程綱要」的公佈,台灣正式開啟一連串的教育革新。而對岸的中國,也於2001年啟動第八次基礎教育課程改革。兩國教育改革的內容皆涉及到課程目標、課程內容、課堂教學、學生學習等各層面,因此教科書、教材教法皆產生了巨大的變化。現有關於兩岸教育相關研究相當多,但兩岸課程的比較研究多停留在國小階段;且針對教科書的研究多半是以教科書的制度、審定為主,幾乎未有針對兩岸國中階段教科書的內容比較。
    To welcome the 21st century and catch up with other countries’ educational efforts, the government in Taiwan has engaged itself to educational reform since 1997. The purpose is to enhance the quality of its people and the ability to compete with other countries. Hence the Ministry of Education has tried to reform the compulsory education curriculum and teaching according to the “Action Proposal for Educational Reform,” authorized by the Executive Yuan. After the publication of “Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines,” Taiwan has formally initiated a series of educational reforms. Similarly, Mainland China has started its eighth reform on Basic Education Curriculum. The reforms in both countries include the curriculum target, the curriculum content, classroom teaching, and students’ learning. They unavoidably exert a huge impact on the textbooks and teaching materials. Related researches on the education in both countries abound. However, the comparison of curriculum in both countries basically focuses on elementary school curriculum. Also, most researches on textbooks focus on the system or authorization. Seldom do we find research that focuses on the textbooks in junior high school.

    This research will first briefly introduce the education background in both countries and then analyze the target of compulsory education curriculum. The Kang Xuan version of Taiwan and the People’s Education version of China are taken as examples. We get the following conclusion after comparing their mathematics textbooks, workbooks, and teacher’s manuals.

    First, in terms of curriculum target, both versions emphasize the connection between mathmatics and life or other subjects. Both aim to cultivate the students’ creativity, too. Differently, People’s Education version goes deeper within one single topic, while Kang Xuan version focuses on the horizontal connection between different topics. People’s Education version puts more emphasis on the traditional arithmetic, while Kang Xuan version puts more emphasis on the application of math in everyday life.
    Second, according to the content of these two versions, when a new topic is introduced, the curriculum in Taiwan prefers concentrative learning, while the other version favors learning at different phases. Take People’s Education for example, every school year students have to learn algebra, geometry, data statics, and probability. Besides, in terms of algebra or geometry, People’s Education version provides exercises three times than Kang Xuan version does. Kang Xuan version, however, has a smoother curriculum design in terms of algebra. As for geometry, People’s Education version offers more different types of exercises.
    Third, speaking of the editing, both versions have similar curriculum structure. We can find in both versions pictures before each chapter, multiple columns presenting the main idea, arrangements of important points, and appended knowledge. However, some chapters of Kang Xuan version have too many words in one line, and it lacks Chinese-English terminology of math.
    Fourth, in terms of the workbooks, People’s Education version looks like a condensed reference book, while Kang Xuan version is bigger and more colorful. Kang Xuan version provides space for calculation and has neater arrangement, while People’s Education version is too wordy and takes more time to read the questions.

    Based on the conclusion above, this study offers some suggestions for future compilation of the Taiwanese mathematics textbooks:
    1. For geometry, a good mathematics textbook should provide students with more opportunities to have hands on experiences, for example, by way of paper folding.
    2. There should be more exercises in the textbook, hence giving the students more chances to practice.
    3. History of mathmatics can be added. Students may have a better idea how ancient people used their wisdom to solve everyday mathmatics problems.
    4. Exercises related to integrated curriculum should be added, too. Different subjects like science, art, etc…, can be combined together to provide multiple elements and a wider space for students’ ideas.
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