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    Title: 新北市高中英文教師教學專業能力指標建構之研究
    A study on the development of professional teaching competence indicators for senior high school english teachers in New Taipei City
    Authors: 馮文秀
    Feng, Wen Hsiu
    Contributors: 許炳煌
    Sheu, Ping Huang
    Feng, Wen Hsiu
    Keywords: 高中英文教師
    Senior High School English Teachers
    Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
    English Language Teaching
    Professional Teaching Competence Indicators for Senior High School English Teachers
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 14:56:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 有鑑於近年來教育當局對於提升教師教育專業能力的重視以及陸續於一般中等學校計劃實施教師專業評鑑的努力,本研究旨在建構高中英語教師之教學專業能力指標,瞭解279位現職於22所公立高中之新北市高中英文教師對於各指標重要性看法之差異,並針對性別、學歷、學校規模、教學年資等社會背景的教師分析其看法之不同。依據文獻探討與專家效度實施之結果,共建立5大能力層面、13個向度、以及47個指標。問卷分析採用階層程序分析法(AHP),得出各向度之權重值,排序結果如下:
    Academic authorities have recently laid their prominence on upgrading teachers’ professional competence with the reform efforts of implementing evaluating professional competence on teachers in middle schools. The current study aimed to explore the indicators for evaluating senior high school English teachers’ professional competence, and at the same time, to provide English teachers access to improve and increase teaching efficiency by showing the rankings of indicators under each sub-criterion investigated from 279 English teachers with 4 social background variants in 22 public senior high schools in New Taipei City. The social background variants included gender, educational backgrounds, school size, and total teaching years. In accordance with literature review and expert validity, 5 criteria, 13 sub-criteria, and 47 indicators were established as evaluating standards. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was employed and the results indicated that:
    1. Planning competence: Teaching planning was more important than course planning. Planning appropriate teaching activities and developing teaching procedures were considered to be the most important in the two sub-criteria respectively.
    2. Teaching competence: Communicative competence and English language competence were the first two priorities, but presentation of teaching materials the last. Good oral communicative skills and self-expressive ability were labeled as the most essential indicators respectively.
    3. Management competence: Classroom management was rather prominent than resources management. Good teacher-student interaction was especially viewed as important in classroom management.
    4. Professional development: Grasping opportunities to learn was taken more significant than conducting teaching research and teaching innovation. In grasping opportunities to learn, reflecting on one’s teaching and seeking professional development were seen as more important than others.
    5. Teaching ethics: Working attitude was of higher significance than professionalism, especially establishing good working relationship with school staff, students’ parents, and surrounding communities.
    In conclusion, indicators which were more helpful to teaching were more favored. Despite their different social backgrounds, teachers tended to show similar opinions on the development of their professional competence. According to the results of the study, some suggestions were provided for professional development of English teachers, teacher training, gender differences of English teachers, teaching experiences, and future studies.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097951017
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