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    Title: 軟體專案特性對專案管理與專案間互動的影響之研究-以趨勢科技之雲端運算專案為例
    Software project characteristics on project management and project the impact of interaction study:the case of Trend Micro Inc.
    Authors: 陳彥甫
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Keywords: 雲端運算
    Cloud Computing
    Project characteristics
    Project Management
    Interaction between projects
    Software of development
    Trend Micro
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 11:16:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著商業環境的快速變動,企業為因應市場快速變化,管理階層傾向於將專案規模縮小、目標明確來定義專案的範圍,以助於專案的執行,因此企業大多會執行一個以上的專案,然而專案彼此之間或多或少都會有些關聯與互動,良好的互動關係對於專案執行成效與企業均有其正面助益,因此本研究的目的在探討軟體專案特性對專案管理與專案間互動的影響之研究。
    In order to adapt to rapidly changing markets, cooperate managers tend to downsize the scales and define specific goals of projects for effective execution. Therefore, cooperates simultaneously deal with multiple projects which are inter-connected to each other. Good interactions benefit both projects and cooperate itself. Hence, the objective of this study is to investigate how the characteristics of software projects influence the managements and interactions of projects.
    The study subject is Trend Macro Incorporated, the world-wide leading company of antivirus software. Its unique culture and foremost management style have become the model example of international companies. Therefore, this study investigated two projects of this company, which apply cloud computing, to explore the relationships of the characteristics, management and interactions within and between projects. By case interview and secondary databases, the main findings of this study are listed below.
    1.Enterprise in the implementation of software project management, the fully authorized to contribute to the development of radical innovation projects carried out.
    2.Leader in software project management role of the different stages. When the technology to external sources, the leaders need to play the role of coordination and communication. When the technology for internal sources, leaders need to play a technical support role.
    3.Enterprise in the implementation of software project management, we will use the apprenticeship system to carry out transmission of tacit knowledge; and to use document management system to manage explicit knowledge.
    4.When the radical innovation of the product development project the use of external technology sources, to provide space for staff self-learning and knowledge sharing through seminars, knowledge management systems, informal communication between the various groups of coordination activities to facilitate interaction between projects.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096359014
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    Appears in Collections:[Graduate Institute of Technology and Innovation Management] Theses

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