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    Title: 台灣自費儲存臍帶血之創新擴散研究
    Diffusion of innovations: a study of banking umbilical cord blood in Taiwan.
    Authors: 林錦泉
    Contributors: 溫肇東
    Keywords: 臍帶血
    umbilical cord blood
    autologous use
    diffusion of innovations
    characteristics of innovation
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 11:16:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 臍帶血幹細胞移植自1988年首次被應用在異體的臨床治療至今,在各國衍生出許多以「利他」為目的的公捐臍帶血庫,以及鼓吹「自存自用」的私人臍帶血銀行。類似的情況也在台灣發生,第一家私人公益臍帶血庫在1997年底成立,第一家私人臍帶血銀行在2000年8月成立。然而,有關臍帶血儲存在台灣的發展歷史,卻甚少被討論。本論文嘗試以「創新的擴散」的四大因素—創新、溝通管道、時間及社會體系,詮釋自費儲存臍帶血在台灣的擴散過程和實質的內涵。
    Since the first umbilical cord blood transplant was performed in 1988 for allogeneic transplantation, many cord blood banks came out in countries, including public cord blood banks for an altruistic purpose and private blood banks which claim to bank umbilical cord blood for autologous use. Similar cases happened in Taiwan, the first public cord blood bank run by a private organization was founded in the end of 1997, then the first private cord blood bank was founded in August 2000. The history about banking umbilical cord blood in Taiwan, however, is rarely discussed. Based on the four main elements of “Diffusion of Innovations”, innovation, communication channels, time and social system, this study attempts to interpret the diffusion and substantial content of banking umbilical cord blood for autologous use in Taiwan.
    I estimated the adoption rate of banking umbilical cord blood for autologous use in Taiwan in the course of time by searching news reports from the databases of China Times Inc. and United Daily News Group. The adoption rate grown rapidly from 2000 to 2004 and the growth became slowly after 2004. By data collection, the survey of literatures and searching the relevant topics about storing umbilical cord blood from BabyHome, the biggest social networking website for parent-child relationship in Taiwan, I also found that the interaction among authority body, private cord blood bank, medical professional bodies, public cord blood bank and media, which are the members of Taiwan social system would affect the cognition and willingness of potential adopters directly or indirectly. In addition, I used a pilot online- questionnaire to explore the characteristics of innovation and communication channels of banking umbilical cord blood in Taiwan, which concludes that, the main characteristics of innovation sensed by the adopter who banking umbilical cord blood in Taiwan are compatibility with the concept of insurance and the relative advantage of feeling at ease.
    To store or not to store umbilical cord blood in private cord blood bank is actually a controversial issue. Through the analysis described above, the consequence of banking umbilical cord blood diffused in Taiwan is studied. I also make some suggestions and hope that Taiwan social system could gain the maximum social benefit from the diffusion of banking umbilical cord blood, and would not collapse by it.
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