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    Title: 以戰略三角理論檢視俄羅斯、中國、印度三邊關係
    Russia-China-India trilateral relationship: a strategic triangle approach
    Authors: 洪于勝
    Contributors: 林永芳
    Keywords: 俄羅斯
    Strategic Triangle
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 10:13:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,俄羅斯、中國、印度三國經濟發展迅速,國力蒸蒸日上。俄中印三國因地緣因素,自冷戰時期彼此之對外戰略便相互影響。到了後冷戰時期,國際體系轉變成由美國所引領之「一超多強」體系,三國更找到共同合作的利基,促成三國之間的合作。在冷戰與後冷戰兩段時期,三國關係的發展,呈現不同的風貌。
    In recent years, the economic growth in Russia, China and India soars rapidly and their national strength does, too. Due to the geopolitical factors, these three nations affected each other in strategies during the cold war. After the cold war, the international system changed into a US-lead “uni-multi-polar system.” Russia, China and India found the common niche which promoted their cooperation. In the two periods of cold war and post-cold war, the relationship among these three countries displayed great differences.
    From the point of view in realism, the nations as rational actors pursue relative national interests as their goals which turn into a zero-sum game. Lowell Dittmer developed this idea into the “Strategic Triangle Theory” to discuss trilateral relationship among nations in cold war. Tzong-Ho Bau argued that the nations in post-cold war pursue common national interests as a methodological holism which is different from the methodological individualism in the cold war. Through strategic triangle approach, this thesis tries to explore the relationship among Russia, China and India.
    First, the thesis discusses the relationship among Russia, China and India during the cold war and then the period after the cold war. Second, the thesis discusses the influence which Russia, China and India make on international circumstances and US strategies. Finally, by a review from Russia-China-India trilateral relationship, the thesis gives a feedback to the strategic triangle theory.
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